
Kongruentni model kot način obravnave oseb z demenco : diplomsko delo
ID Knavs, Laura (Author), ID Pajnič, Manca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pađen, Ljubiša (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Demenca je kronična napredujoča bolezen, ki prizadene višje možganske funkcije. Bolezen prinaša težave, ki predvsem porušijo medsebojne odnose zaradi nerazumevanja spremenjenega zdravstvenega stanja osebe z demenco. Potrtost, jeza ter druge motnje v čustvovanju, težave pri razumevanju, spominu in orientaciji so le nekatere izmed s strani svojcev najprej zaznanih sprememb. Pri obravnavi oseb z demenco je poznanih več različnih pristopov, in sicer medicinski, rehabilitacijski, ekološki, socialno terapevtski, psihosocialni, integrirani in drugo. Kongruentni model je nov model pristopa obravnave oseb z demenco, ki je imenovan tudi kongruentno negovanje odnosov in temelji na pozornosti ter dosega pozitivne učinke pri ljudeh z demenco ali pri ljudeh z mejnimi motnjami. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti obravnavo oseb z demenco po metodi kongruentnega modela in ga primerjati z drugimi načini oziroma metodami obravnave oseb z demenco. Cilji diplomskega dela je predstaviti kako medsebojni odnosi in timsko delo vplivajo na obravnavo oseb z demenco, ter predstaviti, kakšna je kakovost oseb z demenco obravnavana po metodi kongruentnega modela. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom in analizo domače in tuje strokovne literature. Iskanje je potekalo s pomočjo bibliografskih baz podatkov Medline, COBIB.SI, CINAHL in spletnega brskalnika Googla. Opravljeno je tudi ročno iskanje zbornikov in člankov. Pregledani so znanstveni in strokovni članki, napisani o dolgotrajni oskrbi. Pregledani so bili članki iz različnih revij, prispevkov zbornikov in druge objave s področja gerontologije ter specifike dela oseb z demenco. Iskanje literature je potekalo od januarja 2019 do junija 2019. Rezultati: Kongruentni model dosega zelo dobre učinke v ustanovah za nego starejših, predvsem pri ljudeh, ki so zboleli za demenco. Prav tako velik učinek je pri starejših, ki nimajo dodatnih obolenj in po dosedanjih izkušnjah tudi v vseh drugih področjih zdravstva. Odnosi se v delovnih skupinah spreminjajo v zaupne medsebojne odnose. Medicinske sestre navajajo pozitivne spremembe in so zadovoljne z modelom. Razprava in zaključek: Kongruentnost v zdravstveni negi predstavlja način, s katerim želimo vstopati v interakcijo s pacienti, da se ti počutijo dobro in si želijo dosegati cilje za izboljšanje zdravja. Izvajalec zdravstvene nege najprej spozna sebe, se zave svojih ravnanj, odzivov, razume sebe, kajti šele ko razumemo in poznamo sebe, lahko razumemo ter spoznamo tudi druge. Odprta in iskrena komunikacija je pomembna za dobro sodelovanje v procesu oskrbe pacientov. Za uspešno in enotno zdravstveno nego je potreben spoštljiv, korekten odnos.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, starostniki, demenca, kongruentni model, medsebojni odnosi, modeli obravnave oseb z demenco
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Knavs]
Number of pages:24 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116179 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16292099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.05.2020
KNAVS, Laura, 2020, Kongruentni model kot način obravnave oseb z demenco : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : L. Knavs. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Congruent model in nursing care of people with dementia : diploma work
Introduction: Dementia is a chronic advanced disease that affects higher brain functions. The disease brings problems that primarily destroy relationships due to the misunderstanding of the altered health status of the person with dementia. The depressions, anger, and similar emotional distress and difficulties in understanding, memory loss and orientation are just some of the changes perceived by relatives at the beginning. There are many different approaches to treating people with dementia, medical, rehabilitative, ecological, social-therapeutic, psychosocial, integrated, and more. A congruent model is a new approach for the treatment of people with dementia, also called attentive and congruent caregiving which has positive effects on people with dementia or people with borderline disorders. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to present the treatment of people with dementia according to the method of congruent model and to compare it with other ways or methods of treatment of persons with dementia. The aim of this diploma work is to present how relationships and teamwork affect the treatment of people with dementia, and to present the quality of people with dementia treated according to the congruent model method. Methods: In this thesis a descriptive method of work with the review and analysis of domestic and foreign scientific and professional literature is used. The search was conducted using bibliographic databases: Medline, COBIB.SI, CINAHL, and Google's web browser. Articles from various journals, contributions, and other publications in the field of gerontology, as well as the specific work of persons with dementia, were reviewed. The search of the literature was conducted from January 2019 to June 2019. Results: The congruent model achieves very good effects in elderly care facilities, especially in people with dementia. It has also a great effect on the elderly who do not have additional illnesses and experiences in all other fields of healthcare in the past. Relationships in working groups are transformed into trusting relationships. Nurses report positive changes and are satisfied with the model. Discussion and conclusion: Nursing congruence is a way we want to interact with patients to make them feel good and want to achieve health goals. The healthcare provider first recognizes himself, becomes aware of his actions, responses, understands himself because only when we understand and know ourselves can we understand and get to know others. Open and honest communication is important for good participation in the patient care process and for a successful and uniform nursing care a respectful, correct attitude is required.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, elderly people, dementia, congruent care, mutual relations, treatment models for people with dementia

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