
Rominje in zdravje: Percepcija zdravja v dveh romskih naseljih na Dolenjskem
ID Struna Vidmar, Tjaša (Author), ID Čebron Lipovec, Uršula (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Janko Spreizer, Alenka (Comentor)

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Romska populacija velja tako v Sloveniji kot v državah EU za eno izmed najbolj družbeno izključenih skupin, kar se odraža tudi v izključenosti iz zdravstvene oskrbe. Če dodamo še segregacijo, revščino, nizko izobrazbeno strukturo, visoko stopnjo brezposelnosti, slabše socioekonomsko stanje, zgodnjo rodnost in pogoste nosečnosti mladoletnic (tudi mlajših od 15 let), patriarhalno naravnanost ter splet različnih fenomenov, kot so anticiganizem oziroma protiromski rasizem, družbena izključevanja in nestrpnost večinskega prebivalstva do Romov, postane jasno, da vse navedeno Rominjam otežuje dostop do zdravstvenega sistema. V okviru projekta Zdravo sem se seznanila z določenimi osebami iz romske skupnosti na Dolenjskem, kar je pripomoglo k temu, da sem svoje magistrsko delo usmerila v raziskavo zdravstvenega stanja in ozaveščenosti Rominj glede »varne spolnosti«. Raziskovala sem, če socialni status oz. bivalno okolje Rominj vpliva na njihovo razmišljanje in odločanje glede ustvarjanja družine, uporabe kontracepcije in tudi na splošno vlogo žensk v družbi. Skozi pogovore z 10 Rominjami sem ugotovila, da je spolnost za moje sogovornice še vedno tabu tema, še posebej, če so bili pri pogovoru prisotni moški. Bolje situirane Rominje se bolj zavedajo družbenega spola, ženskosti, družino si ustvarjajo pozneje, bolj so vpletene v odločanje in ozaveščene na področju zdravstva, saj imajo v večini svojega ginekologa, zobozdravnika ter osebnega zdravnika.

Keywords:Rominje, Dolenjska, zdravje, spolnost, socioekonomski status
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116178 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.05.2020
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Title:Roma Women and Health: The Perception of Health in Two Roma Settlements in the Lower Carniola Region
The Roma population both in Slovenia and in the EU countries is among the most socially excluded groups, which is also reflected in their exclusion from health care. If we add segregation, poverty, low educational structure, high unemployment, worsening socioeconomic situation, early fertility and frequent teenage pregnancies (even pregnancies of teens under the age of 15), patriarchal stance and the interweaving of different phenomena such as antigypsyism and anti-Roma racism, social exclusion and intolerance, it becomes clear that all of the aforementioned makes it difficult for the Roma women to access the healthcare system. As a part of the Zdravo project, I became acquainted with certain persons from the Roma community in the Lower Carniola region, which contributed to my master's thesis centering on the research on the state of health and awareness of Roma women on “safe sex”. I researched whether the social status of Roma women or their living environment influenced their thinking and decision-making regarding procreation, the use of contraception and also the general role of Roma women in society. Through conversations with 10 Roma women, it became clear that sexuality is still a taboo for the said interviewees, especially when men were present. Roma women who are better situated are more aware of the social aspects of gender, femininity, they create families later, they are more involved in the decision-making and are more aware in terms of health care, since most of them have a personal gynecologist, dentist and GP.

Keywords:Roma women, Lower Carniola region, health, sexuality, socioeconomical status

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