
Učinkovito lajšanje bolečine pri otrocih v nujni medicinski pomoči : pregled literature
ID Mehmedović, Alen (Author), ID Prestor, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bizjak, Martina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Občutek bolečine je izkušnja, ki se nanaša na posameznika in jo je objektivno težko oceniti. Posebej ranljiva skupina so otroci, pri katerih je zaradi pomanjkanja verbalnih in kognitivnih sposobnosti opredelitev bolečine še težja. To zahteva multidisciplinaren, timski pristop, v katerem je pomembna tudi komunikacija z otrokovimi starši, ki ga najbolje poznajo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo pregleda literature predstaviti bolečino pri otrocih v nujni medicinski pomoči in vlogo medicinske sestre pri njenem lajšanju. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela, in sicer pregled znanstvene in strokovne, tuje in domače literature. Pri iskanju literature smo uporabili naslednje podatkovne baze: COBIB.SI, CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE in Cochrane library; dostopne prek oddaljenega dostopa Digitalne knjižnice Zdravstvene fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Uporabili smo samo dostopna celotna besedila v slovenskem, hrvaškem in angleškem jeziku. Rezultati: Poznamo več tipov bolečine, delimo jo na akutno in kronično, v nujni medicinski pomoči pa je pomembna tudi bolečina v povezavi z diagnostičnimi in terapevtskimi postopki. Ker vsi otroci ne znajo opisati bolečine, ki jo doživljajo, je treba poznati vpliv bolečine, ter aktivacijo simpatičnega živčnega sistema in njegov vpliv na različne organske sisteme, saj nam ti pomagajo bolečino tudi objektivno opredeliti. Poleg tega za prepoznavo uporabljamo različne standardizirane skale. Različne stopnje bolečine zdravimo različno. Blažje nefarmakološko, pri hujših to kombiniramo z zdravili, za najhujše pa uporabljamo le zdravila. Velikokrat za zdravljenje izbiramo opioidne analgetike, zato moramo poznati njihove učinke in stranske učinke, ki se jim poskušamo izogniti ali jih ublažiti. Razprava in sklep: Medicinska sestra skupaj s preostalimi delavci sodeluje v zdravstvenem timu. Njeno prepoznavanje in zdravljenje bolečine in prepoznavanje učinkov zdravljenja so elementi, od katerih je odvisna kakovost obravnave bolnika.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, otroci, bolečina, ocenjevanje bolečine, lajšanje bolečine, nefarmakološko zdravljenje, farmakološko zdravljenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Mehmedović]
Number of pages:27 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116140 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15803651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.05.2020
MEHMEDOVIĆ, Alen, 2020, Učinkovito lajšanje bolečine pri otrocih v nujni medicinski pomoči : pregled literature [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Mehmedović. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Effective relief of pain in children in emergency medical care : literature review
Introduction: Feeling pain is an experience that relates to an individual and is objectively difficult to evaluate. Particularly vulnerable are children who are even more difficult to define pain due to their lack of verbal and cognitive abilities. This requires a multidisciplinary, team-based approach where communication with the child's parents who know him best is also important.. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma paper is to present the pain of children in emergency medical care and the role of the nurse in relieving it through literature review. Methods: The diploma thesis used a descriptive method of work, namely review of scientific and professional, foreign and domestic literature. The following databases were used to search the literature: COBIB.SI, CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane library; accessible via remote access at the Digital Library of the Faculty of Health, University of Ljubljana. We used only accessible full texts in Slovenian, Croatian and English. Results: Several types of pain are known, divided into acute and chronic pain, and pain in connection with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures is also important in emergency medical care. As not all children know how to describe the pain they experience, the impact of pain and the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and its effect on various organ systems need to be known, as these help us to identify the pain objectively. In addition, different standardized scales are used for recognition. Different degrees of pain are treated differently. Milder non-pharmacological, in severe cases this is combined with medication, and for the worst, only medicines are used. Many times, opioid analgesics are selected for treatment, so we need to know their effects and the side effects that we are trying to avoid or mitigate. Discussion and conclusion: The nurse works with the rest of the staff on the health team. Its recognition and treatment of pain and recognition of the effects of treatment are the elements on which the quality of the patient's treatment depends.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, children, pain, pain assessment, pain relief, non-pharmacological treatment, pharmacological treatment

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