
Jugoslovanstvo: Spominska obeležja in poimenovanja v Mariboru med letoma 1945 in 1991
ID Vidic, Nina (Author), ID Mikša, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo spominska obeležja, ki se nanašajo na jugoslovansko tematiko, kot tudi poimenovanja, predvsem ulic, cest in trgov v Mariboru. Zanimalo nas je, katera so najbolj prepoznavna spominska obeležja in poimenovanja na temo jugoslovanstva, kako so se spreminjala/odražala skozi zgodovino in kakšno povezavo tvorijo z jugoslovanstvom. Jugoslovanstvo se je kot idejno gibanje začelo leta 1909 z idejo trializma. Udejanjilo se je s prvo jugoslovansko Državo Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov, ki se je kmalu po ustanovitvi leta 1918 združila s Kraljevino Srbijo in preimenovala v Kraljevino Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev. Kasneje se je preimenovala v Kraljevino Jugoslavijo. Med drugo svetovno vojno je bila država ozemeljsko okrnjena zaradi tuje okupacije. Po vojni se je ponovno združila kot druga socialistična Jugoslavija, ki je obstajala pod več imeni vse do razpada leta 1992. Jugoslovanstvo se s tem letom ne zaključi, ampak še vedno živi kot ideja oziroma spomin na nekdanjo državo. Za boljše razumevanje pojma jugoslovanstva je v magistrski nalogi na kratko predstavljeno obdobje pred in po obravnavanim obdobjem. V magistrski nalogi so obravnavana različna mariborska obeležja iz časa druge Jugoslavije, povezana z idejo o jugoslovanstvu: spomeniki, poimenovanja ulic, trgov, zgradb, mostov in šol. Vsa poimenovanja in preimenovanja so bila analizirana in grafično predstavljena. Cilj magistrske naloge je bila predstavitev vpliva jugoslovanstva na poimenovanja in spominska obeležja v Mariboru.

Keywords:Maribor, spominska obeležja, jugoslovanstvo, poimenovanja, ulice, ceste, trgi, Kodžak, Rudolf Maister
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.05.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Yugoslavism: Memorial sites and naming in Maribor between 1945 and 1991
In this Master thesis we present commemorative features relating to Yugoslavism, as well as naming sites, such as streets, roads and squares in Maribor city. The subject of interest are the most recognizable memorials and naming regarding Yugoslavism and how they have changed/reflected throughout history and what connection they form with the idea of Yugoslavism currently. Yugoslavism, began as an ideological movement in 1909 with the idea of trialism. It was realised with the first Yugoslavian state, called State of the Slovenes, Croats and Serbs in the year 1918 but soon was combined with the Kingdom of Serbia and was renamed the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, later into the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. During World War II, the kingdom was territorially deteriorated because of foreign occupation. After the war, it was reunited as the second, socialist Yugoslavia that existed under several different names until its decay in 1992. Yugoslavism does not end with this year, but still lives on as an idea or memory of the former state. For a better understanding of the concept of Yugoslavism, the thesis includes a brief presentation of the period before and after the subject era. The thesis discusses different commemorative sites from the time of the second Yugoslavia in the city of Maribor, related to the idea of Yugoslavism: monuments, naming of streets, squares, buildings, bridges and schools. Naming and renaming are analysed and presented graphically. The main object of this thesis is a presentation of Yugoslavism influence on naming sites and creating memorials in the city of Maribor.

Keywords:Maribor, monument, memorial site, Yugoslavism, naming, streets, roads, squares, Kodžak, Rudolf Maister

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