
Artivizem - angažirana urbana umetnost v javnem prostoru / Top parking
ID Milovanović, Danilo (Author), ID Berlot Pompe, Uršula (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kariž, Žiga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sodobno umetnost zaznamujejo intersekcijske prakse, znotraj katerih umetniki na inovativne načine združujejo umetnost in obstoječe družbene in naravne discipline. Kot je iz termina razvidno, se artivizem giblje med umetnostjo in aktivizmom, pri čemer je umetnost pretežno sredstvo, aktivizem pa cilj delovanja. Sodobna zvrst angažirane umetnosti v javnem prostoru se je razvila iz zgodovinskih avantgardnih gibanj in subkultur nižjih družbenih razredov prejšnjega stoletja. Zaradi razumevanja in statusa discipline znotraj polja sodobne umetnosti sem se osredotočil na ključne elemente, iz katerih se je razvila artivistična panoga. Najprej se ukvarjam z razvojem mesta in danostmi, ki so vplivale na sodobne dinamike, ki so pripeljale do specifičnega jezika upora in umetniškega udejstvovanja v razvojnih politikah mest. Pod slednjimi predvsem mislim na revitalizacijo, urbanizacijo in gentrifikacijo kot manifestacije fizičnih in posledično družbeno političnih transformacij mest s ciljem doseganja standardov in potreb sodobne družbe. Omenjeni procesi so vplivali na razumevanje in status javnega prostora, ki se je skozi zgodovino spreminjal vzporedno s spremembami družbenih ureditev. V nadaljevanju nato opredelim javni prostor in javno domeno in se osredotočam na razumevanje razlik med javno umetnostjo in umetnostjo v javnem prostoru, kar je predpogoj za razumevanje logike gestualnih, minljivih akcij, značilnih za artivizem. Skozi vrsto primerov iz novejše zgodovine umetnosti se približam polju lastnega interesa in pridem do praktičnega dela pričujoče magistrske naloge, ki je vezan na politično urbanistične realnosti mesta Ljubljana. Pri tem se poleg vsebinsko referenčnih mednarodnih primerov ozrem tudi na ustrezne primere artivističnih praks, ki so nastali znotraj specifičnega geografskega področja nekdanje Jugoslavije in današnje Slovenije. Vsebinsko utemeljitev lastnega projekta podprem s podrobnim opisom procesa in rezultatov praktične izvedbe. Nalogo zaključim s premislekom o možnostih prezentacije in družbenem dometu tako lastne prakse kot tudi širšega polja sodobnih oblik angažirane umetnosti v povezavi z aktivizmom.

Keywords:slikarstvo mesto javni prostor javna domena urbanizem gentrifikacija angažirana umetnost ulična umetnost urbana umetnost artivizem parkirišče intervencija v javni prostor magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.05.2020
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Title:Artivism - engaged urban art in public space / Top parking
Contemporary art is defined by intersectional practices through which artists combine art and current social and natural disciplines in innovative ways. As the term itself shows, artivism varies between art and activism, art being mainly the means, and activism the goal. Contemporary socially engaged art in public space developed during the twentieth century from historical avantgarde movements and subcultures of lower social classes. Based on personal understanding of the discipline and its status withing the field of contemporary art, I focus on key elements for development of the artivist discipline. Firstly, I explore the development of the city and the conditions that influenced the contemporary dynamics which have led to specific language of rebellion as well as artistic engagement in policies on city development. Hereby I mainly mean revitalisation, urbanisation and gentrification?processes which manifest the physical and consequently also socio political transformations of cities in order to meet the standards and needs of the contemporary society. These processes influenced the way people understand public space as well as its status. The latter changed many times throughout history because of the changes of the social order. In the following, I offer a definition of public space and public domain and concentrate on understanding the difference between public art and art in public space. This is a prerequisite for understanding the logic of ephemeral actions, which are often no more than gestures, that are typical for artivism. I count a series of examples from recent art history and draw closer to my own field of interest, and then focus on the practical part of the thesis, which refers to politically urbanist circumstances in the city of Ljubljana. I list international examples with content reference, but I also shed some light on respective examples of artivist practices from the specific geographical area of former Yugoslavia and today’s Slovenia. I thus provide a substantive justification of my own project and support it with a detailed description of the process and results of my practical project’s execution. The thesis is concluded with some thoughts about presentation possibilities and social range of my own practice, but also of the wider field of contemporary forms of socially engaged art in connection to activism.

Keywords:painting city public space public domain urbanism gentrification engaged art street art urban art artivism parking intervention in public space MA thesis

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