
ID KOVIČ, KLARA (Author), ID Kozjek, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih predstavlja enega izmed najpomembnejših elementov v organizaciji, ki je tudi odgovorna za to, da so zaposleni zadovoljni na delovnem mestu. Zadovoljstvo zaposlenih je ključno za uspešno poslovanje in doseganje ciljev organizacije. Organizacije vse več pozornosti namenjajo svojim zaposlenim tako, da jim omogočajo razna dodatna izobraževanja, skupinska dela in izlete v prostem času. Vodstvo oziroma vodja se zaveda, kako pomembno je zadovoljstvo zaposlenih in da brez tega organizacija ne more učinkovito in uspešno delovati. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih v vseh enotah, ki sestavljajo CSD Gorenjska. Za raziskovanje diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena metoda anketiranja. Namen je bil ugotoviti, kakšne so razlike v zadovoljstvu zaposlenih v izbranih enotah CSD Gorenjska, kakšne odnose imajo v organizaciji, kaj zaposlenim nudi organizacija in ali imajo dobre delovne pogoje. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je večina zaposlenih zadovoljnih na delovnem mestu, kar pa dokazuje, da se večina organizacij zanima za svoje zaposlene ter jim omogoča in prilagodi dejavnike za boljšo kakovost opravljenega dela. Sodelujoči dajejo veliko več poudarka večji humanosti kot pa denarnim spodbudam. Čeprav so tudi denarne spodbude dobre in dajo motivacijo, sodelujoči v organizaciji veliko bolj cenijo humane pogoje. Na podlagi rezultatov, ki jih je pokazala analiza raziskave, bi podali nekaj predlogov za izboljšanje trenutnega stanja na področju ključnih dejavnikov zadovoljstva zaposlenih na delovnem mestu. Priporoča se izvesti anketo, s katero bi ugotavljali dejavnike, ki povzročajo največ zadovoljstva zaposlenih na delovnem mestu, in kaj bi po mnenju zaposlenih pripomoglo k še večjemu zadovoljstvu. Uvesti bi bilo potrebno nefinančno nagrajevanje zaposlenih, kar bi pripomoglo k večji motivaciji in uspešnosti pri delu. Prav tako bi k zadovoljstvu zaposlenih pripomogel tudi razvoj kariere v organizaciji.

Keywords:zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, dejavniki zadovoljstva, merjenje zadovoljstva, organizacijska klima, delovno mesto
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Kovič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116084 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15185411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.05.2020
KOVIČ, KLARA, 2020, ANALIZA ZADOVOLJSTVA ZAPOSLENIH V CSD GORENJSKA [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : K. Kovič. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Employee satisfaction is one of the most important elements in the organization, which must also ensure that employees are satisfied in the workplace. This is the main key in successful business and to achieve goals in organization. They are increasingly paying attention to their employees to provide them with various additional trainings, group work and trips in their free time. Leaders in the organization are aware how important satisfaction of employees is and that without it, organization can’t act effectively and successfully. The thesis focuses on employee satisfaction in all units of Social work center Gorenjska. For thesis research work I will use the survey question method. The purpose was to determine what were the differences in employee satisfaction in the selected units of the Social work center Gorenjska, what kind of relations they have in organization, what the organizations offers and if they have a good workspace. The results showed that most of the employees are satisfied at their workplace. Which furthermore shows that the organization takes care of its employees and helps them to adjust the factors for better work quality. Survey participants have put far more meaning to humanity at work than monetary services. Even though the latter are in some cases good – even better for some and give extra motivation - the responders appreciate good humane - immaterial conditions much more. Based on the survey results of the research analysis, I would recommend some actions to improve the current situation in the field of key factors of employee satisfaction at work. It is recommended that a survey is carried out to determine which factors are employees most satisfied with at work and what, in their opinion, would contribute to improve it further. I would also emphasize that non-financial or immaterial employee rewarding should be introduced, which would help to increase their motivation and performance at work. Career development of an individual in the organization would also be very helpful to increase employee satisfaction.

Keywords:employee satisfaction, satisfaction factors, satisfaction measurement, organizational climate, workplace

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