
ID Bizjak Šavli, Tina (Author), ID Toporišič, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z iskanjem vzporednic na dveh področjih: s primerjavo med učinki gledališča in učinki psihodrame. Obe umetnosti, umetnost zdravljenja in gledališka umetnost, namreč uporabljata zelo podobne tehnike in na podlagi tega se sprašujem, če so te terapevtske same na sebi ali je za to potrebna ciljna naravnanost. V ta namen sem naredila pregled sekundarnih virov literature, vključila vanje tudi magistrsko delo s kvalitativno raziskavo o psiholoških učinkih gledaliških vsebin ter izvedla lastno raziskavo s fokusiranim intervjujem. V njej so sodelovali klienti psihodrame, psihodramatiki ter gledališki igralci. Med njimi sta tudi dve osebi, ki sta imeli izkušnje na obeh področjih. Ugotovila sem, da pregledana teorija podpira mojo uvodno hipotezo in da so določene tehnike same na sebi terapevtske, odgovori intervjuvancev pa so temu dodali pomembno težo, čeprav je vzorec bil razmeroma majhen (9 oseb). Vsekakor ne smem ignorirati tudi temne plati prebranih vsebin, in ta je, da se mnogi igralci ravno zaradi teh določenih tehnik igranja soočajo s povišano anksioznostjo. V našteto sem vključila tudi kratko nevrobiološko razlago učinkov, kar nam omogoča razumevanje, kaj se v resnici dogaja na odru – tako na odru psihodrame, kot v gledališču in nenazadnje – tudi v prenesenem pomenu ali pred lastnimi TV ekrani. Stik s čustvi, igranimi, realnimi ali podoživljanimi ob zgodbi nekoga drugega v nas sproži reakcije, ki se jih morda ne zavedamo, pa imajo vseeno učinke. Kaj naredimo z vsebinami, ki jih vsakodnevno prebujamo, je naša odgovornost. Ker sem intenzivno vpeta v terapevtski svet, na posameznika skozi oči sociologinje gledam tudi kot na rezultat njegovih družbenih interakcij. Nadaljnja smer raziskovanja, ki se mi poraja ob pričujočem delu, je naravnana na vprašanje, koliko smo – hote ali nehote - dojemljivi za medijske informacije, ki pritiskajo na naše čustvene gumbe? Se zavedamo, kako nam oder življenja obarvajo zunanji faktorji? Smo vodljivi? Ali zmoremo lastno senzibilnost uporabiti za samospoznavanje in postajati močan, samoreflektiven član družbe?

Keywords:psihodrama, gledališče, terapevtsko, Sistem, Moreno, Stanislavski
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116072 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.05.2020
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Title:A comparison of psychodramatic effects on clients and Stanislavski's System on professional actor
The paper seeks to find parallels between the effects of the theatre and the psychodrama. Both art methods—the art of healing and theatre art—use very similar techniques, which is why we are interested in determining whether these techniques are in itself therapeutic or if they require a goal-oriented approach. For this purpose, we reviewed secondary literature sources and included a master’s thesis that featured a qualitative research about the psychological effects of theatre content; we also performed our own research using a focused interview. The research involved clients in psychodrama sessions, psychodramatists and theatre actors, two of which had previous experience in both fields. We established that the reviewed theory supports our initial hypothesis and that certain techniques are in itself therapeutic. The interviewees’ answers supported these findings, although our research sample was relatively small (9 participants). The literature also exposed some downsides which should not be ignored, one of those being the fact that because of certain acting techniques many actors deal with increased anxiety. We also included a brief neurobiological explanation of the effects, which enables us to understand the developments happening on stage, whether it be psychodrama stage, treater stage or even the stage in our homes, in front of a television screen. Getting in touch with the emotions—re-enacted or real—and reliving them through other people’s stories can cause an unaware emotional reaction in us that has certain effects. We are responsible for how we deal with these quotidian outbursts. As we are intensely involved with the therapeutic world, we view an individual from the perspective of sociologists and also take into account the individual’s social interactions. Further research could deal with the following questions: how perceptive are we—consciously or unconsciously—to media information that influence our emotional responses? Are we aware of how external factors affect us on our personal stage? Are we susceptible to manipulation? Are we able to use our sensibility for better self-discovery and become a strong, self-reflecting member of society?

Keywords:psychodrama, theatre, therapeutic, Stanislavski's system, Moreno, Stanislavski

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