
Sprejemanje demence v Domu starejših občanov Naklo
ID Bešter, Anja (Author)

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Danes se z demenco srečuje vse več starih in ima velik vpliv na določena področja njihovega življenja. Poleg obolelih za demenco pa bolezen vpliva tudi na njihove sorodnike in zaposlene, ki zanje skrbijo. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge sem predstavila demenco, doživljanje demence pri sorodnikih ljudi z demenco, komunikacijo z ljudmi z demenco ter institucionalno oskrbo ljudi z demenco. Namen raziskave je bilo raziskati, kako se z demenco v domu soočajo in kako jo sprejemajo. Raziskovala sem, kakšno je sporazumevanje med ljudmi z demenco, njihovimi sorodniki in zaposlenimi, kako odkrito se o demenci pogovarjajo, koliko znanja imajo o bolezni, kje so znanje pridobili, kako demenca vpliva na medsebojne odnose med vsemi, prisotnost strahu in preobremenjenosti sorodnikov in zaposlenih, kakšna pomoč je na voljo za sorodnike v domu, kako zadovoljni so ljudje z demenco z življenjem v domu in kaj bi še potrebovali. Rezultati so pokazali majhno znanje o demenci tako sorodnikov kot tudi zaposlenih in željo po večjem znanju. Ljudje z demenco o svoji bolezni ne vedo nič in z njo niso bili seznanjeni. Tudi medsebojni odnosi so se z boleznijo spremenili in sporazumevanje je postalo odtujeno. Sodelovanje zaposlenih in sorodnikov je majhno, ljudi z demenco pa obiščejo samo njihovi otroci, pri čemer se je pokazala tudi prisotnost osamljenosti pri ljudeh z demenco. Rezultati pa so tudi pokazali zadovoljstvo z življenjem v domu in potrebno pomoč. Predlagam povečanje aktivnosti za ljudi z demenco, vključitev prostovoljcev za preprečevanje osamljenosti in povečanje socialne mreže, večje vključevanje sorodnikov v dom in organiziranje predavanj o demenci za sorodnike ter večkrat letno organiziranje izobraževanj o demenci za zaposlene.

Keywords:stari ljudje, demenca, medsebojni odnosi, sporazumevanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116064 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.05.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Acceptance of dementia in the Home for Older People Naklo
More and more older people today are facing dementia and it has a major impact on certain areas of their lives. In addition to affecting people with dementia, the disease also affects life of relatives and the caregivers. The theoretical part of my thesis is a presentation of dementia, how relatives of people with dementia experience it, communication with people that have the dementia and institutional care of those people. The purpose of my research was to investigate how dementia is coped with in the Home for older people Naklo, and how it's accepted. I researched the communication between people with dementia, their relatives and employees in the Home for older people. I also researched how openly do they talk about dementia, how much knowledge they have about the disease, where have they acquired the knowledge, how does dementia affect the relationships between everyone, the presence of fear and the overload for relatives and employees a like, what help is available for relatives in the home, how satisfied are the people with dementia with their stay in the home and what else would they require. The results showed poor knowledge about dementia with both relatives and employees of the home. They also showed the desire for more knowledge in that area. People with dementia don't know anything about their disease and have not been introduced to the knowledge about it. The relationships with people with dementia have changed and communication has become basic and alienated. The collaboration between employees of the home and relatives of the people with dementia is poor. People with dementia are visited only by their children and the result of that is a strong presence of loneliness. At the same time, the results also showed satisfaction with the care they are given in the home and the home itself. My suggestions are, to increase activities for people with dementia, to include volunteers for prevention of loneliness, to increase the social network and the involvement of relatives in the home, to organize lectures on dementia for relatives, and also lectures on dementia for employees several times a year.

Keywords:older people, dementia, relationships, communication

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