
Razvoj in testiranje brez ventilne pulzno reakcijske potisne naprave
ID Stanič, Dejan (Author), ID Seljak, Tine (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V nalogi je predstavljen izračun, konstrukcijska zasnova ter preizkušanje brez ventilne pulzno reakcijske potisne naprave, ki je namenjena za pogon modela letala. Dimenzije in oblika ključnih sestavnih delov je določena z računskim pristopom in z upoštevanjem smiselnih poenostavitev. Predstavljen je iterativni potek in rezultati izračunov, kjer je vstopni podatek želena potisna sila, potrebne dimenzije pa se nato izračunavajo na podlagi fizikalnih zakonitosti ter se ustrezno korigirajo skladno z želeno potisno silo. V okviru izračunov je izdelana tudi analiza občutljivosti obratovalnih parametrov na spremembe posameznih dimenzij naprave ter s tem določitev najpomembnejših konstrukcijskih značilnosti. Na podlagi izdelane naprave je nato zasnovan tudi eksperimentalni sistem, sestavljen iz merilnika potisne sile, visokofrekvenčnega tlačnega zaznavala, merilnikov temperature ter namensko zasnovanega programskega okolja za spremljanje ključnih obratovalnih parametrov. Z inkandescenco je ocenjena tudi temperatura površin potisne naprave. Izmerjena je bila tudi jakost zvoka, ki jo naprava povzroča. Izdelana naprava je preizkušena v intervalu kontinuiranega obratovanja ter zaustavljanja, vsak interval pa je ločeno interpretiran. Potisna naprava obratuje in uspe dovesti najmanj 80 N potisne sile v mirovanju ter obratuje s frekvenco 163 Hz pri masnem toku goriva 8,6 g/s. Rezultati nakazujejo na izrazito občutljivost dimenzij naprave ter potrebo po natančni določitvi geometrije za doseganje stabilnega delovanja, ki je bilo v okviru naloge doseženo.

Keywords:modeli letal, brez ventilne pulzno reakcijske naprave, konstruiranje, resonanca, eksperimentalni sistemi, preizkušanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Stanič]
Number of pages:XXII, 57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116048 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16663555 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.05.2020
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Secondary language

Title:development and testing of valveless pulsejet thrust device
The task presents the calculation, design, and testing of a valveless pulsejet thrust device designed to drive an aircraft model. The dimensions and shape of the key components are determined by a semi-empirical approach, taking into account meaningful simplifications. The iterative procedure and the results of the calculations are presented, where the input is the desired thrust, while required dimensions are then calculated and adjusted in accordance with the desired thrust. In the framework of the calculations, an analysis of the sensitivity of the operating parameters to changes in the individual dimensions of the device is made, and thus the determination of the most important design characteristics. An experimental system consisting of a thrust force meter, a high-frequency pressure sensor, temperature gauges and a purpose-built software environment for monitoring key operating parameters is then designed based on the manufactured device. Incandescence estimates the surface temperature of the device. The sound volume produced by the device was also measured. The manufactured device is tested in the interval of continuous operation and shutdown, and each interval is interpreted separately. The propulsion device is proved to operate and succeed in delivering at least 80 N of the thrust when stationary, and operates at a frequency of 163 Hz and fuel mass flow rate of 8,6 g / s. The results indicate a pronounced sensitivity of the dimensions of the device on stability of operation as well as the need to accurately determine the geometry to achieve the stable performance.

Keywords:valveless pulsejet devices, construction, resonance, experimental systems, testing

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