
Higiensko-tehnični ukrepi na področjih oskrbe s pitno vodo in osebne higiene v Gambiji : magistrsko delo
ID Štibernik, Maja (Author), ID Fink, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ovca, Andrej (Comentor), ID Oder, Martina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Agenda za trajnostni razvoj do leta 2030 je bila sprejeta z razlogom dokončne realizacije ciljev, ki so bili zastavljeni že leta 2000 s sprejetjem »Deklaracije tisočletja«. V Agendi je med drugim zapisano, da je potrebno do leta 2030 vsem zagotoviti enakopravno brezplačno osnovnošolsko in srednješolsko izobrazbo ter dostop do pitne vode in urejenih sanitarij. Namen: Namen magistrske naloge obsega higiensko-tehnično analizo izbrane hiše in lokalne šole s poudarkom na oskrbi s pitno vodo ter analizo znanja na področju osebne higiene med učenci četrtega razreda. Metode dela: V magistrski nalogi smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Higiensko-tehnično analizo lokalne hiše in šole smo izvedli s pomočjo sistematičnega opazovalnega lista in na podlagi ugotovljenega stanja predlagali tehnične ukrepe. V lokalni šoli smo z uporabo namensko pripravljenega testa, ki je bil prilagojen ciljni populaciji, analizirali znanje četrtošolcev na področju osebne higiene. Po opravljeni analizi smo s petdnevnim usmerjenim izobraževanjem učencem predstavili različna področja osebne higiene. Rezultati: Po opravljeni higiensko-tehnični analizi hiše in šole smo ugotovili, da predstavljajo nekatera odstopanja tveganje za zdravje prebivalcev in osnovnošolcev. Tveganje za zdravje v lokalni hiši predstavljajo predvsem neurejeni sanitarni pogoji, nezaščiten vodnjak za pridobivanje pitne vode in neurejeni higiensko-tehnični pogoji kuhinje. V šoli predstavljajo tveganje za zdravje priprava šolskih obrokov na dvorišču in neurejenost umivalnikov za umivanje rok. Rezultati prvega testa znanja o področjih osebne higiene so pokazali, da učenci osebno higieno povezujejo z vero, učenjem, pranjem oblačil in kuhanjem. Po opravljenih izobraževalnih ukrepih so začeli razlikovati elemente osebne higiene od drugih sklopov higiene in vere. Razprava in zaključek: Na podlagi trajnostnih ciljev smo predlagali tehnične ukrepe za odpravljanje higiensko-tehničnih pomanjkljivosti, s katerimi bi lahko do leta 2030 dosegli cilje trajnostnega razvoja, ki so zapisani v Agendi 2030.

Keywords:magistrska dela, sanitarno inženirstvo, Gambija, osebna higiena, higiensko-tehnična analiza, tehnični ukrepi, izobraževalni ukrepi, cilji trajnostnega razvoja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Štibernik ]
Number of pages:48 str., [9] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116027 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:14329347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.05.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Hygienic and technical measures in the fields of drinking water supply and personal hygiene in the Gambia : master thesis
Introduction: The Sustainable Development Agenda was adopted with the purpose of achieving the goals that were set in 2000 with the adoption of the "Millennium Declaration". In the Agenda, it is stated among the other things to ensure by 2030 that all girls and boys complete free primary and secondary education and also achieve universal and equitable access to safe drinking water and sanitation for all. Purpose: The purpose of the master's thesis consists of a hygienic-technical analysis of a selected house and a local school with an emphasis on drinking water supply and the analysis of personal hygiene knowledge among students of the fourth grade. Methods: In the master's thesis, we used the descriptive method of work. A hygienic-technical analysis of the local house and school was carried out with the help of a systematic observation list and technical measures based on the state of the situation were proposed. In the local school, we analyzed the knowledge of the students in the field of personal hygiene by using a deliberately prepared test adapted to the target population. After the analysis of the tests, we carried out five-day training in the field of personal hygiene. Results: After the hygienic-technical analysis of the house and school, we found out that certain deviations represent a health risk for residents and students in the school. The health risks in the local house are poor sanitation, unprotected drinking water well, and poor hygienic-technical conditions in the kitchen. Preparation of school meals in the yard and the lack of wash basin and soap represent a health risk for the students in the school. The results of the first test in the field of personal hygiene showed that students connected hygiene with religion, learning, washing clothes, and cooking. After the educational measures, students started to differentiate elements of personal hygiene from other types of hygiene and religion. Discussion and conclusion: Based on sustainable development goals, we proposed technical measures to eliminate hygiene-technical deviation, which could achieve the sustainable development goals that are written in The Sustainable Development Agenda.

Keywords:master's theses, sanitary engineering, Gambia, personal hygiene, hygienic-technical analysis, technical measures, educational measures, sustainable development goals

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