
Izdelava oblikovalskega spletnega portfolia in celostno oblikovanje blagovne znamke
ID Koron, Helena (Author), ID Košak, Karin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Izdelava oblikovalskega spletnega portfolia in celostno oblikovanje blagovne znamke Razmah svetovnega spleta je omogočil posamezniku, podjetjem in korporacijam lažjo prepoznavnost, hitrost širitve informacij ter hitrejši in obsežnejši doseg ciljne publike. Predstavitev avtorskih del ali postavitev blagovne znamke je postala enostavnejša in učinkovitejša. Namen diplomske naloge je oblikovati spletni portfolio s pomočjo spletne platforme. Predstaviti izdelke iz kolekcije oblačil, tekstilnih vzorcev, modnih dodatkov in grafičnega oblikovanja na profesionalni in inovativni način. Cilj naloge je ustvariti portfolio, ki na prvi pogled deluje kot spletna stran in oblikovati celostno podobo blagovne znamke, ki bo v prihodnosti temelj lastnega podjetja. V teoretičnem delu so opisani pomen, postopek in namen osebnega oblikovalskega portfolia. Predstavljena je spletna platforma »Wix«, v kateri je v eksperimentalnem delu oblikovan spletni portfolio. Pojasnjeni so osnovni elementi identitete blagovne znamke, kot so ciljna publika, segmentacija na trgu in diferenciacija, ki opredeljuje avtentičnost blagovne znamke. Dotakne se tudi teme socialnih omrežij kot orodja za samopromocijo, problematika oglaševanja ter pomen posredovanja osebnih podatkov na spletu. Predstavljene so tri blagovne znamke, ki so podobno segmentirane na trgu in pomenijo inspiracijo za nadaljnje ustvarjanje. V eksperimentalnem delu je predstavljen postopek izdelave spletnega portfolia. Opisani so celoten postopek dela, izhodišče, inspiracija in izbrani izdelki iz lastne kolekcije, ki so namenjeni določeni ciljni publiki.

Keywords:Spletni portfolio, oblikovanje blagovne znamke, samopromocija, avtentičnost, spletna socialna omrežja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115951 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.05.2020
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Title:Building of a web portfolio and integrated trade mark design
Building of a web portfolio and integrated trade mark design The rise of the world wide web has allowed the individuals, companies, and corporations to have better recognition, fast expansion of information and a wider reach to their target audience. To present an author’s work or to create a brand has become easier and more effective. The purpose of this thesis is to create an online portfolio with the help of the online platform. The core purpose is to present the products from fields of fashion and textile design, textile patterns, fashion accessories and graphic design in a professional and innovative way. The aim of this thesis is to create an online portfolio which looks like a website, a corporate identity of a brand, and to build the foundations of the future business. The theoretical part is describing the meaning, process and the purpose of creating the personal online portfolio. The online platform called “Wix” is introduced and presented, in which the online portfolio has been created in the experimental part of the thesis. It explains the basic elements of a brand’s identity, such as target audience, segmentation, and differentiation, which are elements that show the authenticity of a brand. It touches themes, such as social networks as tools for self-promotion, issues of advertising and the meaning of conciliation of personal data online. There are three brands presented, which are similarly segmented in the market and represent a personal inspiration for further creations. The experimental part is explaining detailed process of the creation of an online portfolio. It describes the steps of the entire process, the inspiration, and products from the collection, which have a specific target audience.

Keywords:Online portfolio, designing a brand, self-promotion, authenticity, social networks

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