
Pravna ureditev kliničnega usposabljanja za zdravstveno nego : magistrsko delo
ID Kebe, Maruša (Author), ID Ivanc, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kvas, Andreja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: V Sloveniji je poklic diplomirane medicinske sestre reguliran, zato je potrebno temu prilagoditi tudi izobraževanje. Klinično usposabljanje za zdravstveno nego mora predstavljati polovico celotnega izobraževanja študentov zdravstvene nege. Prav tako je v zakonih in pravnih aktih v Sloveniji določeno, da je obvezni sestavni del študijskih programov tudi klinično usposabljanje v delovnem okolju. Klinično usposabljanje študentom zdravstvene nege pomaga, da znanje, ki ga pridobijo na fakultetah, opravljajo v kliničnem okolju in ga nadgradijo na kliničnih primerih. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti pravni okvir kliničnega usposabljanja za diplomirane medicinske sestre po bolonjski reformi, raziskati pravne akte na področju ureditve kliničnega usposabljanja za zdravstveno nego in oceniti normativne podlage za izvajanja kliničnega usposabljanja. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna, analitična in primerjalna metoda raziskovanja s področja pravnih znanosti. Opravljen je bil pregled literature ter opis in kritična razčlenitev evropskih in državnih predpisov, ki se nanašajo na klinično usposabljanje za zdravstveno nego. Izvedena je bila retrospektivna ugnezdena multipla študija primera tipskih pogodb med Zdravstveno fakulteto Univerze v Ljubljani in tremi učnimi zavodi na različnih nivojih. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da je zakonodaja na področju kliničnega usposabljanja za zdravstveno nego pomanjkljiva predvsem v določilih, kdo je lahko klinični mentor v učnem zavodu, na področju zagotavljanja finančnih sredstev za opravljanje kliničnega usposabljanja na terciarni ravni, glede vodenja evidenc učnih zavodov ter evalvacije kliničnega usposabljanja. Ugotavljamo tudi, da so določila v pogodbah med obema strankama določene na podlagi prej analiziranih zakonov. Razprava in zaključek: Klinično usposabljanje je zelo pomemben del izobraževanja za diplomirane medicinske sestre. Pravna ureditev kliničnega usposabljanja za zdravstveno nego v Sloveniji je v povprečju dobra, vendar se kažejo tudi določene pomanjkljivosti. V pogodbah med učnimi zavodi in visokošolskim zavodom so medsebojne obveznosti in pravice natančno določene. Pogodbe na vseh treh ravneh so v večini primerov skladne, kar zagotavlja skladno delovanje med fakulteto in učnimi zavodi.

Keywords:magistrska dela, zdravstvena nega, praktično usposabljanje, diplomirane medicinske sestre, zakoni in pravni akti, pogodbe, pravo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kebe]
Number of pages:79 str., [2] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115936 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:13269251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Legal regulation of clinical training for nursing : master's thesis
Introduction: In Slovenia, the occupation of the registered nurse is regulated. Therefore, education has to be adapted as well. Clinical training for healthcare must represent half of the entire education of the students of healthcare. In the laws and legal acts in Slovenia, it is also determined that the mandatory part of study programs has to be clinical training in a working environment as well. Clinical training helps the students of healthcare to perform the knowledge they gained at the faculties in the clinical environment and upgrade it on clinical cases. Purpose: The purpose of the master’s thesis is to present the legal framework of clinical training for registered nurses according to the Bologna reform, to research legal acts in the field of the settlement of clinical training, and to evaluate the normative groundworks to perform clinical training. Methods: The descriptive, analytical, and comparative methods of research from the field of legal sciences were used. A review of the literature was performed, as well as the description and the critical analysis of the European and national regulations which refer to clinical training for healthcare. A retrospective nested case-control study of standard contracts between the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Ljubljana and three different educational institutions on different levels. Results: We ascertained that the legislation in the field of clinical training for healthcare is insufficient mostly in the provisions who can be a clinical mentor in an educational institution in the field of ensuring financial resources for performing clinical training on the tertiary level regarding keeping records of educational institutions and evaluation of the clinical training. We also ascertain that the provisions in contracts between both parties are determined based on previously analyzed laws. Discussion and conclusion: Clinical training is a very important part of education for registered nurses. The regulation of clinical training for healthcare in Slovenia is good on average. However, there are certain deficiencies. In contracts between educational institutions and the higher education institution, the mutual obligations and rights are specifically determined. The contracts on all three levels are proportionate in most cases which ensures proportionate operations on the relation between the faculty and the educational institutions.

Keywords:master's theses, nursing care, practical training, registered nurses, laws and legal acts, contracts, law

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