
Analiza postopka registracije s.p. za opravljanje gostinske dejavnosti v prehrambnem obratu
ID KONJEVIĆ, NEDA (Author), ID Franca, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ena izmed močnejših dejavnosti na svetu je turizem in z njim tesno povezano gostinstvo. Brez dobre gostinske ponudbe si ne moremo predstavljati kakovostne turistične ponudbe. Najbolj razširjena oblika podjetja v Sloveniji je samostojni podjetnik posameznik, zato je to diplomsko delo namenjeno analizi postopkov registracije samostojnega podjetnika za opravljanje gostinske dejavnosti ter preučitvi pogojev, ki so zahtevani na področju gostinstva. Cilji diplomskega dela so doseženi z metodo analize sekundarnih podatkov, predvsem pravnih virov, ki urejajo področje gostinske dejavnosti ter samostojnega podjetnika. Ugotovljeno je, da izpolnjevanja pogojev, kot so prijava obratovalnega časa, uporabno dovoljenje, minimalni tehnični pogoji in pogoji glede obsega storitev ter pogoji glede zagotavljanja varnosti živil ter varnosti in zdravja pri delu, nihče ne preverja ob registraciji podjetnika, ampak se to izvaja kasneje. Ugotovljeno je, da bi bilo smiselno, če bi se izpolnjevanje pogojev s strani pristojnih inšpektorjev opravilo že prej in bi bodoči gostinec na podlagi izdanega potrdila o izpolnjevanju pogojev dobil dovoljenje za obratovanje. Doprinos diplomske naloge je zlasti njena praktična uporabnost za izvajalce gostinske dejavnosti, saj so v njej analizirani ugotovljeni zahtevani pogoji, ki morajo biti pravno zagotovljeni za kakovostno izvajanje gostinske dejavnosti. S to nalogo je bodočemu gostincu olajšan začetek obratovanja, saj v njej izve, kaj vse mora urediti, da lahko izvaja kakovostno obratovanje po pravilnikih in zakonih. Hkrati že obratujočim gostincem podaja odgovore na določena vprašanja v zvezi z njihovim obratovanjem in jim s tem omogoča izboljšanje njihovih trenutnih pogojev ter izognitev kaznim s strani pristojnih inšpektorjev, ki jih do sedaj mogoče še niso obiskali.

Keywords:samostojni podjetnik, gostinska dejavnost, obratovalni čas, uporabno dovoljenje, varnost živil, varnost pri delu
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115929 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.04.2020
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Secondary language

One of the more substantial activities in the world is tourism and closely related catering services. Without a good catering offer, it is not possible to imagine a qualitative tourism offer. The most widespread form of a company in Slovenia is a private entrepreneur. Therefore, this bachelor’s thesis is dedicated to the analysis of the registration procedures of a private entrepreneur for performing catering services and to the examination of the conditions required in the field of catering services. The goals of the bachelor’s thesis are reached by the method of secondary data analysis, mostly legal sources that regulate the field of catering services and the private entrepreneur. It is ascertained that nobody checks meeting conditions, such as registering of the trading hours, operating permit, minimal technical conditions, conditions about the scope of services, and the conditions regarding ensuring the food safety, and the safety at work – this is all performed later. It is ascertained that it would make sense if the control of conditions being met was performed by the responsible inspectors already before and the future caterer got the operating permit on the basis of the issued attestation on the conditions being met. Especially, the contribution of the bachelor’s thesis is its practical usefulness for the performers of the catering services because the ascertained requisite conditions are analyzed in the thesis. The mentioned conditions have to be legally ensured for the qualitative performance of the catering services. This bachelor’s thesis makes the beginning of the operations easier for the future caterer because the thesis reveals what all is necessary for the caterer to do in order to perform qualitative operations according to the rulebooks and the laws. At the same time, it gives answers to the already operating caterers to certain questions with regards to their operations and, thus, enables improvement of their current conditions and avoiding the penalties from the responsible inspectors who, perhaps, have not yet visit them.

Keywords:private entrepreneur, catering services, trading hours, operating permit, food safety, safety at work

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