
Sestava koloidne organske snovi in njena kompleksacija s kovinami v obalnem morju (Tržaški zaliv) : doktorska disertacija
ID Klun, Katja (Author), ID Faganeli, Jadran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Falnoga, Ingrid (Comentor), ID Šket, Boris (Member of the commission for defense)

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V Tržaškem zalivu so se v preteklosti pozno spomladi/na začeteku poletja periodično pojavljali sluzasti makroagregati, ki so bili na zadnje opaženi leta 2004. Prekurzor za nastanek tovrstnih agregatov je koloidna organska snov (COM), zato smo se osredotočili na študij sezonskih sprememb vsebnosti, sestave in izvora COM. Uporabili smo spektroskopijo 1H NMR in FTIR ter kromatografijo HPSEC za opazovanje sprememb v sestavi in velikosti COM. Rezultati so pokazali, da se predvsem vsebnost lipidov v COM do poletja zviša, kar lahko dodatno vpliva na nastanek mikro- in makrogelov. HPSEC nam je potrdil, da proti poletju prihaja do agregacije COM, saj VM COM predstavlja večino COM (95 %), medtem ko se NM COM od zime do poletja bistveno zniža (iz 45 % na 5 %). Avgusta se njuni razmerji skoraj izenačita, kar nakazuje tvorbo mikro- in makrogelov ali pa povišano mikrobno razgradnjo. Karakterizacija COM izolirane iz fitoplantkonskih kultur iz Tržaškega zaliva je pokazala, da fitoplankton k sestavi in strukturi COM prispeva predvsem z vsebnostjo polisaharidov. Z ICP-MS in CVAAS smo spremljali sezonske spremembe vsebnosti kovin v koloidni frakciji. Hg in Cu imata največjo afiniteto do COM, kar se je pokazalo v pozitivni korelaciji s COM. Tako kot COM se tudi Hg in Cu akumulirata do julija, v avgustu pa njuna vsebnost hitro pade, kar je lahko posledica agregacije ali mikrobne razgradnje COM. Podatki vsebnosti kovin preko slanostnega transekta reke Soče kažejo, da se nekatere kovine pojavijo v vodnem stolpcu kot posledica desorpcije delcev, ki so jih nanesle reke. Druge kovine in tudi COM se ob višanju ionske moči agregirajo in potonejo, kar se pokaže v nižji vsebnosti kovin in COM na izlivu reke Soče.

Keywords:morje, koloidi, kompleksacija
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Klun]
Number of pages:XIII f., 103, [20] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115377 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3784015 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Composition and complexation of colloidal organic matter in coastal sea (Gulf of Trieste)
The phenomenon of mucous macroaggregates, which periodically occur in late spring/early summer, was last seen in 2004. Colloidal organic matter (COM) acts as a precursor to such aggregates, which is why we focused on the seasonal dynamics of content, composition and molecular size of COM. We used 1H NMR and FTIR spectroscopy and HPSEC chromatography to observe changes in COM composition and size. The results showed that lipid fraction in COM increased towards summer, which may have impacted micro- and macrogel formation. The HPSEC demonstrated that COM aggregated from the winter to the summer months. HMW COM was the most abundant (95%). Conversely, the LMW COM, from winter to summer, decreased from 45% to 5%. In August, the ratio between the two fractions of COM was almost equal, which indicated either the formation of micro- and macrogels or that it was consumed via microbial degradation. Characterization of COM isolated from phytoplankton cultures from the Gulf of Trieste showed that phytoplankton mostly contributes, along with polysaccharides, to the COM pool. We used ICP-MS and CVAAS to observe the seasonal dynamics of metal content in the COM. Hg and Cu showed the highest metal affinity to COM, which was reflected in a positive correlation to COM. As with the COM content, Hg and Cu also rapidly decreased from July to August, which may have been due to either sequestration of the aggregates or increased microbial degradation in August. Data of the metal content from the salinity gradient of the Isonzo River showed that some metals occurred in the water column of the Gulf by desorption from particles transported by the river. Other metals, as well as COM, aggregated in the Isonzo River mouth because of increasing ionic strength, which was reflected in the lower metal content in the river mouth compared to the river.

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