
Options for considering private owner objectives in forest management planning - a case study for Slovenia : doctoral dissertation
ID Ficko, Andrej (Author), ID Bončina, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Knoke, Thomas (Comentor)

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We studied conceptual and financial options for implementing a forest property plan (FPP) into the forest planning system. By employing multiple quantitative surveys of Slovenian non-industrial private forest owners, we 1) examined how owners (n = 754) conceptualize forest management and resource-efficiency using structural equation modeling; 2) studied owners% (n = 374) decision-making styles using a probabilistic approach while controlling for model-reality consistency and acquiescence bias to account for uncertainties in owner classification; 3) explored owner% (n = 510) willingness-to-pay (WTP) for the FPP using the Heckit econometric model and estimated financial implications for publicly funded forest planning; and 4) analyzed satisfaction with the FPP using semi-structured interviews with the owners (n=11) for which the FPP prototypes have been prepared in the past two decades. We found that 1) owners underuse forest resources not because they object to harvesting, but mostly because of biophysical constraints in the environment; 2) multiobjective owners who consider mainly the extractive value of forests are prime candidates for the FPP; 3) owners are willing to pay for the FPP, and the cost-sharing could significantly reduce public budget expenditures for forest planning; and 4) owners were mostly unsatisfied with the FPP prototypes because of insufficient consideration of their demands. We conclude that owners support the FPP conceptually and financially. Further steps in the implementation of the FPP into practice should take into account the diversity of costumer segments and uncertainty associated with the survey-based research.

Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Ficko]
Number of pages:IX, 123 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115375 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4333478 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.04.2020
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Title:Možnosti prilagajanja gozdarskega načrtovanja gozdnim posestnikom: vzorčni primer za Slovenijo
Proučevali smo konceptualne in finančne možnosti za uvedbo načrta za zasebno gozdno posest (NGP) v zasnovo gozdarskega načrtovanja v Sloveniji. Na podlagi v letih 2009 % 2015 izvedenih osebno vodenih in telefonskih anketiranj lastnikov zasebnih gozdov smo 1) s pomočjo strukturnega modeliranja proučevali, kako lastniki (n = 754) razumejo gospodarjenje z gozdovi in gospodarnost; 2) proučevali načine njihovega odločanja (n = 374) pri upravljanju posesti uporabljajoč inovativen verjetnostni pristop ter dopolnjen postopek za zaznavo in odpravo sistematične napake v odgovorih zaradi odzivnih slogov anketirancev; 3) s pomočjo Heckmanovega ekonometričnega modela analizirali pripravljenost lastnikov (n = 510) za plačilo za NGP in vplivne dejavnike; 4) analizirali zadovoljstvo lastnikov (n = 11) s testnimi NGP. Ugotovili smo: 1) da lastniki ne nasprotujejo učinkovitejšemu gospodarjenju, saj med njihovim razumevanjem gospodarjenja in razlogi za negospodarjenje ni znatnih korelacij; 2) tisti z več cilji gospodarjenja, ki se odločajo predsem glede na uporabno vrednost gozda, so možni kandidati za NGP; 3) da so lastniki pripravljeni plačati za NGP, soudeležba pri plačilu lahko znatno zmanjša javne izdatke za gozdarsko načrtovanje; 4) da so bile slabosti testnih NGP prepodrobnost, neprilogodljivost in nezadostno upoštevanje ciljev lastnikov. Zaključujemo, da lastniki podpirajo NGP konceptualno in finančno. V priporočilih opozarjamo na raznolikost lastnikov in potrebo po sodobnih pristopih, ki upoštevajo negotovost pri proučevanju lastnikov in načrtovanju.

Keywords:gozdnogospodarsko načrtovanje, zasebni gozdovi, načrti, gozdne posesti, podpora odločanju, Slovenija

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