
Naravovarstveni vidiki urbanih gozdov v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
ID Hostnik, Robert (Author), ID Pirnat, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga z različnih vidikov obravnava stanje urbanih gozdov v Sloveniji. V prvem delu je obravnavana prepoznavnost funkcij urbanih gozdov v strateških razvojnih dokumentih in zakonodaji s podrocij prostorskega razvoja ter ohranjanja narave in gozdarstva. Drugi, obsežnejši del raziskave predstavlja primerjalna analiza urbanih gozdov šestih najvecjih slovenskih mest: Ljubljane, Maribora, Celja, Kranja, Velenja in Novega mesta. Stanje urbanih gozdov teh mest je bilo ocenjeno z vidikov nekaterih elementov biotske raznovrstnosti, lastniške strukture in pravnega statusa. Poleg tega je bila izvedena analiza prisotnosti in pomena gozdov v urbanem okolju. Vloga urbanih gozdov v strateških dokumentih je relativno dobro prepoznana, čeprav so ti največkrat obravnavani v okviru zelenih površin ali zelenih sistemov mest. Urbani gozdni ekosistemi so z vidikov drevesne sestave, zgradbe razvojnih faz in biotske raznovrstnosti razmeroma dobro ohranjeni ter primerljivi z gozdovi na lokalni in regionalni ravni. Razlikujejo se predvsem po poudarjenih socialnih vlogah in funkcijah, njihov ekonomski vidik pa je manj izražen. Gozdnatost urbanih obmocij je bistveno nižja od lokalne in regionalne ravni. Površina gozdov na prebivalca je v urbanih območjih izbranih mest od 3-krat do 30-krat nižja od slovenskega povprečja. Lastniška struktura urbanih gozdov je zaradi prevladovanja razdrobljenih zasebnih gozdov neugodna. Občine v zadnjem desetletju sicer začenjajo prepoznavati pomen urbanih gozdov, vendar razen izjem z njimi ne upravljajo prilagojeno in dolgoročno. Kljub temu urbani gozdovi še vedno predstavljajo najmanj spremenjeno naravno okolje v neposredni bližini bivališč vedno večjega števila prebivalstva. Ponujajo dobre možnosti za vzgojo in ozavešcanje javnosti, zato so v prihodnosti lahko pomemben nosilec oblikovanja odnosa do narave in naravnih vrednot.

Keywords:urbani gozdovi, zakonodaja, naravne vrednote, funkcije gozdov, gozdni ekosistem, primerjalna analiza, slovenska mesta, lastništvo gozdov
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Hostnik]
Number of pages:X, 199 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115338 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:768375 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Nature conservation aspects of urban forests in Slovenia
The master's thesis deals with the condition of urban forests in Slovenia from different aspects. The first part deals with the recognition of functions of urban forests in strategic development documents and in the legislation from the fields of spatial development, nature conservation and forestry. The second, the larger part of the research, represents the comparative analysis of the urban forests of the six largest Slovenian cities: Ljubljana, Maribor, Celje, Kranj, Velenje and Novo mesto. The condition of the urban forests of these cities was estimated from the views of some elements of biodiversity, ownership structure and legal status. Besides, the analysis of the presence and meaning of forests in urban environment was carried out. The role of the urban forests in strategic documents is relatively well recognized although these are mostly discussed in the context of green areas or urban green systems. The urban forest ecosystems are from the aspects of tree composition,structure of development phases and biodiversity relatively well preserved and comparable to the forests on a local and regional level. The main difference is highlighted by the emphasized social roles and functions but their economic aspect is less expressed. The forest share of the urban areas is significantly lower than the local and regional level. The area of forests per inhabitant is in the urban areas of the selected cities from 3 to 30 times lower than the Slovenian average. The ownership structure of the urban forests is unfavourable because of the predominance of fragmented private forests. In the last decade municipalities are beginning to recognize the meaning of urban forests. However, with few exceptions, they do not manage them with adjustments and they do not think long-term. Nevertheless, the urban forests still represent the least modified natural environment in the immediate vicinity of dwellings of the increasing number of inhabitants. They offer good opportunities for education and awareness of the public. Therefore, in the future they can be an important carrier of shaping the relationship to nature and nature values.

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