
Omrežje gozdnih zaplat in drevnine kot izhodišče urejanja kmetijske krajine na primeru izbranega dela Kranjskega polja : magistrsko delo
ID Polenšek, Maja (Author), ID Pirnat, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V nalogi obravnavamo ohranjanje naravne vegetacije v kmetijskih krajinah, ki je pod močnim pritiskom intenzivnega kmetovanja in širjenja urbanizacije. S prostorsko analizo gozdnih zaplat in drevnine izven gozda smo dobili vpogled v trenutno stanje naravne vegetacije. Nato smo s pomočjo metod, ki izhajajo iz teorije grafov, preverili povezanost gozdnih zaplat. Vozlišča grafa predstavljajo gozdne zaplate, povezave med njimi pa stroškovno najkrajše povezave, katere smo izračunali na podlagi izdelanega rastrskega sloja stroškovnih ploskev, ki vsebuje upore posamezne rabe zemljišč. Prispevek posamezne gozdne zaplate k povezanosti in dostopnosti habitatov smo izračunali s pomočjo izbranih kazalnikov. Za izbrane dolžine prehajanja smo prav tako na podlagi kazalnikov določili najpomembnejše povezovalne zaplate, ki največ prispevajo k ohranitvi povezanosti med gozdnimi zaplatami. Ugotovili smo, da osnovno ogrodje za povezanost predstavljajo največje gozdne zaplate, ki jih dopolnjujejo manjše zaplate, ki v prostoru pokrijejo dodatne strateške točke za povezanost. Največjo omejitev za povezanost predstavljajo težje premostljiva območja. Za drevnino na podlagi izbrane metode nismo ugotovili večjih vplivov na povezanost, se je pa izkazala kot pomemben element za preprečitev nastanka prostora brez naravne vegetacije, kljub majhni površini, ki jo zavzema. Oblikovali smo karto z mrežo najpomembnejših povezovalnih zaplat in ostalih pomembnih gozdnih zaplat, ki omogočajo ohranitev heterogenosti obravnavanega prostora. Na koncu smo podali usmeritve za usmerjanje in blažitev učinkov nadaljnjih krčitev ostankov naravne vegetacije.

Keywords:gozdne zaplate, drevnina, gozdna krajina, biotska pestrost, povezanost, teorija grafov
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Polenšek]
Number of pages:XVII,138 str., 14 str. pril., [1] f. zganj. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115328 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*91+630*90(497.4Kranjsko polje)(043.3)=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:4061350 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Network of forest patches and trees outside forest as starting point for managing agricultural landscapes in Kranjsko field part
The thesis discusses conservation of natural vegetation in agricultural landscapes which is under strong pressure from intensive agriculture and the spread of urbanization. With spatial analysis of forest patches and trees outside the forest we have got an insight into the current state of natural vegetation. Then, using methods derived from graph theory we examined connectivity between forest patches. The nodes of the graph represent forest patches, links between them least-cost paths, which were calculated on the basis of cost surface containing resistance value of each land use. The contribution of each forest patch to overall habitat connectivity and accessibility was than calculated using selected indicators. Based on indicators we identified, for selected dispersal distance values, the most important connecting patches that contribute most to maintain the connectivity between forest patches. We found that the largest forest patches represent the backbone for connectivity, complemented by smaller patches that cover other strategic points for connectivity. The biggest limitations for connectivity represented areas with the highest costs. On the basis of selected methods we did not find any major impact on connectivity for trees outside the forest, nevertheless they have proved to be an important element to prevent the occurrence of areas without natural vegetations, despite their modest size they occupied. We created a map with a network of the most important forest patches, that act as connecting patches, and other forest patches that preserve landscape heterogeneity. Finally we have given guidelines for directing and mitigating the effects of further reducing of natural vegetation remains.

Keywords:forest patches, trees outside forest, agricultural landscape, biodiversity, connectivity, graph theory

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