
Optimizacija spolne in starostne strukture odstrela z namenom povečanja ekonomske učinkovitosti gospodarjenja z navadnim jelenom (Cervus elaphus) v Sloveniji : magistrsko delo
ID Srnec, Urška (Author), ID Jerina, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kadunc, Aleš (Reviewer)

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Navadni jelen (Cervus elaphus L.) je za srno in divjim prašičem tretja najbolj razširjena vrsta velike (parkljaste) divjadi v Sloveniji. Pri načrtovanju upravljanja z divjadjo v Sloveniji ekonomski cilj ni prioriteta, zato je razumljivo ekonomska učinkovitost upravljanja z jelenjadjo v Sloveniji tudi zelo slabo raziskana. To je prvo delo v slovenskem prostoru, ki z domačimi podatki na območju celotne države izpostavlja ekonomski vidik gospodarjenja z jelenjadjo v smislu maksimiranja trajnega prihodka iz odstrela. V nalogi smo najprej preko štirih različnih metod rekonstruirali hipotetično populacijo in iz nje izračunali starostno in spolno specifično verjetnost preživetja, ki smo jo uporabili v nadaljevanju naloge. V drugem delu smo ugotovili, da upoštevanje verjetnosti preživetja do določene starosti bistveno vpliva na izračunane vrednosti (mesa, trofej in skupne vrednosti osebka) oziroma na ekonomsko smiselnost ohranjanja določenih osebkov v populaciji z namenom kasnejšega ekonomsko vrednejšega odstrela. Glavni namen naloge pa je bil na osnovi realnih podatkov preučiti, kako različna starostna in spolna struktura populacij jelenjadi pri istih gostotah (ob predpostavki, da so vplivi populacij na prostor neodvisni od spolne in starostne strukture) vpliva na finančni donos upravljanja z jelenjadjo v Sloveniji. Takšne populacije smo finančno primerjali z izvajanjem različnih kombinacij scenarijev odstrela in ugotavljali katere kombinacije scenarijev odstrela dajejo trajno največje finančne donose. Zaključili smo, da sedanji način upravljanja z jelenjadjo ne sledi vsem vsebinskim ciljem iz dolgoročnih gozdnogospodarskih in lovskoupravljavskih načrtov območij 2011-2020. S finančnega vidika bi bilo z drugačnim spolno in starostno specifičnim scenarijem odstrela mogoče vrednost letnega odstrela trajno povišati skoraj na dvojno vrednost. Pomembno pri tem je, da to lahko dosežemo brez vplivov na številčnost same populacije, brez bistvenega poseganja v viabilnost in dolgoročno preživetje populacije ter brez izrazitih sprememb vpliva populacije na okolje.

Keywords:spolna struktura odstrela, starostna struktura odstrela, ekonomsko gospodarjenje, navadni jelen, Cervus elaphus, vrednost mesa, vrednost trofej, prihodek odstrela, Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Srnec]
Number of pages:XVII, 127 str., [61] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115324 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4190630 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Optimizating sex and age structure of the annual harvest to increase economic efficiency of red deer (Cervus elaphus) management in Slovenia
Red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) is the third most widespread species of ungulates in Slovenia after roe deer and wild boar. Since the economic objective of game management planning in the Slovenia is not a priority it is understandable that economic efficiency of game management in Slovenia is very poorly researched. This thesis is the first in Slovenia that exposes the economic point of view of the red deer management in the sense of maximizing of permanent income from the annual harvest using domestic data on the level of the whole country. Firstly we used four different methods of reconstructing a hypothetical population and then calculated the age and sex specific non-hunting mortality or the probability of survival that was used in the continuation of the thesis. In the second part we found out that taking into consideration the data on the probability of survival has crucial influence on calculated values (of meat, trophies and total value of the animal) or economic sense of preserving a certain animals the population for the purpose of a later, more economically sensible cull. The main purpose of this thesis was to investigate how different age and sex structure of red deer populations with the same density (on the presumption that population's impacts on living space are independent from the sex and age structure) influences financial income of the red deer management in Slovenia, on the basis of real data. We financially valorized these populations with different combinations of harvest scenarios and identified which combinations of harvest scenarios permanently maximize harvest incomes. We concluded that the current management is not in line with all objectives from the long term forest and hunting management plans for regions in 2011-2020. From the economic perspective it is possible to almost permanently double the value of the annual harvest through a different sex and age specific harvest scenario. Along with all, it is important to point out that better economic efficiency can be attained without increasing the abundance of the population, without major interference in the viability of the population or in the long term survival of the population and without notable changes of the population's influence on the environment.

Keywords:sex structure of the cull, age structure of the cull, economic management, red deer, Cervus elaphus, value of meat, value of trophy, financial income of the cull, Slovenia

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