Stocktaking is performed annually and is, due to large quantities of materials in warehouse and inaccurate data from previous years, often recognized as a long and tedious task. There are number of problems with manual stocktaking, such as: errors while writing on the sheet, unread materials that were overlooked on the sheet and at the same time in the field, and comparing written quantities with expected ones (according to the data inside the desktop stocktaking program), for each material (additional possibility for errors).To facilitate easier and more accurate implementation of stocktaking in the warehouse, we have developed an application that helps us perform the same task faster and more accurately. The possibility of errors occurring is significantly lower. We can, during the stocktaking in the application, quickly find the material we are looking for, while at the end of the inventory the application alerts us for any errors that may have occurred while entering quantities. To make the application even simpler to use, it's linked to a desktop application through which it obtains the data and then also exports the data back.