
Poškodbe tal po sečnji in spravilu s kombiniranim strojem HSM 805F : magistrsko delo - magistrski študij - 2. stopnja
ID Intihar, Mateja (Author), ID Marenče, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Košir, Boštjan (Comentor)

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Namen magistrske naloge je bil, da se ugotovi, kateri so ključni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na velikost poškodb tal, ter kako oz. s kakšnimi ukrepi te poškodbe zmanjšati na minimum. Raziskava je potekala na dveh objektih v Gozdnogospodarski enoti Mislinja. Na objektu 1 je potekala sečnja kratkega lesa, na objektu 2 pa sečnja dolgega lesa. Skupno je bilo na obeh objektih postavljenih 132 prečnih profilov, na katerih so bili pobrani podatki o konusnem indeksu, vlažnosti, in karakteristične točke, na podlagi katerih smo kasneje izračunali poškodbe tal. Ocenjevali smo tudi debelino in pokritost s sečnimi ostanki. To je bilo narejeno za vse tri faze dela: sečnjo s strojem zasečnjo, spravilom lesa z zgibnim polprikoličarjem in vožnji lesa s sedlastim traktorjem. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so pri sečnji s strojem za sečnjoin spravilu z zgibnim polprikoličarjem vrednosti CI višje, kot pri spravilu s sedlastim traktorjem - tla so bila pri metodi kratkega lesa bolj obremenjena kot pri metodi dolgega lesa. Širina sečne poti pri sečnji je bila manjša (298,65 cm) kot širina sečne poti pri spravilu (319,98 cm). Širina sečnih poti se je potem, ko je bilo spravilo lesa opravljeno, v kar 63,53 % spremenila. Pri spravilu lesa je bila povprečna širina sečne poti 337 cm. Povprečna širina sečne poti je bila največja pri spravilu lesa. Bila je kar 38 cm širša od povprečne sečne poti pri sečnji s sečnim strojem in 17 cm širša od povprečne sečne poti pri spravilu z zgibnim polprikoličarjem. Največji delež kolesnic je pri vseh treh fazah dela v prvih treh tipih kolesnic. Najbolj je kritično spravilo lesa s sedlastim traktorjem, saj je precejšen delež kolesnic v tipu Nedovoljeno (5,21 %). Nedovoljene kolesnice so bile zabeležene v petih primerih - globine le-teh so bile 60,20 cm, 47,46 cm, 60,39cm, 42,83 cm ter 46,53 cm. V raziskavi je bil ugotovljen tudi pozitiven vpliv sečnih ostankov na nastanek kolesnic - narinjene kolesnice so nastale tam, kjer je bil delež sečnih ostankov najvišji; najgloblje kolesnice pa na tistih profilih, kjer ni bilo sečnih ostankov, ali pa le-teh zelo malo. Ukrepi za zmanjšanje poškodb tal morajo biti usmerjeni predvsem k pravilnemu načrtovanju, pravi izbiri stroja ter prilagajanju okolju.

Keywords:poškodbe tal, kombinirani stroj za sečnjo, CI, vlažnost, kolesnice, sečni ostanki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Intihar]
Number of pages:XII, 139 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115295 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3802790 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Assesing soil disturbance after forest harvesting with combined machine HSM 805F
The purpose of the master's thesis was to determine which are the key factors that determine the size of the soil damage and which are the actions how to reduce the damage to a minimum. The study was conducted at two research objects in the Forest Management Unit Mislinja. In total, there were 132 profiles. On these profiles data of CI, soil moisture and the characteristic points were collected. Also, the thickness and coverage of the logging residues were assessed. This was done for all three work processes: cutting with harvester, skidding with forwarder and skidding with Clambunk. It was found that the values were higher on research object 1 (cutting short timber) than on research object 2 (cutting long timber) - the forest floor was more compressed on research object 1. The width of the skidding trail after harvester was narrower (298,65 cm) than the width of skidding trail after forwarder (319,98 cm). The width of the skidding trail after the process of harvesting was changed in 63,53 %. When skidding with Clambunk the average width of the skidding trail was 337 cm. The average width of the skidding trail was the highest in skidding with Clambunk. It was about 38 cm wider than the average skidding trail of harvester and 17 cm wider than the average of skidding trail of forwarder. The largest share of ruts was in the first three types of ruts (for all three processes). The most critical was the process of skidding with Clambunk (5,21%). Not acceptable ruts were observed in five cases - the depths of these were 60,20 cm, 47,46 cm, 60,39 cm, 42,83 cm and 46,53 cm. The study also found out the positive impact of logging residues on the ruts - thrust rut occurred where there was the highest share of logging residues; deepest ruts were created in those sections where there were no logging residues, or only a few. Actions to reduce the soil damage should be minimized by proper planning, the right choice of the machine and adjusting to the environment.

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