
Analiza poškodovanosti gozdnih sestojev v gozdnogospodarski enoti Brezova reber s poudarkom na snegolomu leta 2012 : magistrsko delo - 2. stopnja
ID Saje, Robi (Author), ID Kadunc, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bončina, Andrej (Comentor)

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Analizirana je bila poškodovanost gozdnih sestojev zaradi naravnih motenj. Analiza je bila izvedena na dveh prostorskih ravneh. Na krajinski ravni so bili za gozdnogospodarsko enoto Brezova reber (velikost 1.722 ha) glede na podatke o sanitarnem poseku za obdobje 1973%2011 analizirani količina, struktura in dinamika poseka po vzrokih sanitarne sečnje ter vpliv rastiščnih in sestojnih dejavnikov na sanitarni posek. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je verjetnost pojavljanja poškodb v negovanih sestojih zaradi naravnih motenj v prvih treh letih po negovalni sečnji značilno višja. Poškodbe zaradi snega so verjetnejše v mlajših sestojih, poškodbe zaradi vetra in insektov pa v starejših. Na pojav naravnih motenj vpliva več rastiščnih kot sestojnih dejavnikov. Z multiplo linearno analizo je bila potrjena interakcija med različnimi naravnimi motnjami. Na sestojni ravni je bila v raziskovalnem objektu Brezova reber (oddelek 25c in 26c, velikost 0,81 ha) analizirana poškodovanost dreves zaradi snegoloma leta 2012. Sestoji so glede na gojitveno obravnavo razdeljeni v tri stratume: A) klasično izbiralno redčenje, B) izbiralno redčenje s stalnimi izbranci in C) brez ukrepanja. Deleţ poškodovanih dreves in izbrancev je največji v stratumu A, med stratumoma B in C pa so bile odkrite razlike v deleţu poškodovanih večvrhatih dreves. Z binarnim logističnim modelom je bilo ugotovljeno, da so bili močneje sproščeni izbranci (število posekanih konkurentov na izbranca) manj poškodovani. V stratumu A so se poškodovana drevesa pojavljala na celotni površini, večinoma ob izbrancih, v stratumu B pa so bila poškodovana drevesa tudi znotraj šopov indiferentnih dreves ter manj ob izbrancih. V stratumu C so bile poškodbe najmočnejše v delih sestoja z večjim številom drevja.

Keywords:snegolomi, vetrolomi, poškodbe zaradi insektov, nega gozdov, bukev
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Saje]
Number of pages:X, 83 str., [6] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115291 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3882150 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Damage analysis of forest stands in the Brezova reber forest management unit with a focus on 2012 snow damage
The aim of this thesis is to analyze damage to forest stands due to natural disturbances. The study was carried out at two spatial levels. At the landscape level it analyzed, based on the amount of salvage logging for the period 1973-2011, the volume, structure and dynamics of the causes of salvage logging as well as the impact of site and stand factors on the salvage logging for the Brezova reber forest management unit (the area of 1.722 ha). It was found that the probability of damage occurrence due to natural disturbances is significantly higher during the first three years after logging. Damage due to snow was more likely to occur in younger stands, while damage caused by wind and insects was more likely to occur in older stands. Natural disturbances are more strongly influenced by site than by stand factors. Interaction between the different natural disturbances was confirmed using multiple linear regression. At the stand level in the Brezova reber research site (departments 25c and 26c, the area of 0.81 ha) the 2012 snow damage of stand trees was analyzed. The stands in research sites were divided into three treatments: A) classical selective thinning, B) selective thinning with fixed crop trees and C) control plots for natural development. The highest percentage of damaged trees and crop trees was recorded in treatment A. Differences in the percentage of damaged forked trees were found between treatment B and treatment C. Using the binary logistic model it was found that crop trees that were more released (the number of felled competitors per crop tree) were less damaged. In treatment A damaged trees appeared on the entire surface, mostly near crop trees. In treatment B damaged trees were also inside the clusters of indifferent trees, but less near crop trees. In treatment C the damage was most severe in the part with the highest stand density.

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