
ID Kovačič, Luka (Author), ID Zanne, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za ustanovitev novega podjetja ni dovolj le ideja. Zelo pomembno je, da že preden se lotimo ustanovitve, preučimo vse možnosti, predvsem prednosti in slabosti, ki nam jih lahko le-to prinese. Diplomska naloga predstavlja poslovni načrt za novo podjetje, ki se ukvarja z uvozom češkega piva v Slovenijo. Namen naloge je, da se ugotovi smotrnost ustanovitve takšnega podjetja. Predvsem želimo ugotoviti ceno piva, po kateri bi ga morali prodati, da bi ustvarili dobiček. Opredeliti je potrebno stroške, ki nastanejo pri ustanovitvi in poslovanju ter ob tem upoštevati pravne okvire, ki nam jih narekuje država. Raziskati moramo tudi okolje, v katerem nameravamo poslovati in napraviti projekcijo poslovanja za bližnjo prihodnost. Ko na koncu seštejemo vse pluse in minuse lahko imamo osnovo na podlagi katere se odločimo, ali ustanoviti takšno podjetje ali ne.

Keywords:poslovni načrt, podjetje, pivo, uvoz, stroški, transport
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115284 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2020
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An idea is not enough to form a company. It is very important to study all options, namely strengths and weaknesses, before forming one. This BA thesis is presenting a business plan for a new company which imports Czech beer in Slovenia. The purpose of the thesis is to see, if this kind of business would be viable and to understand the prices of beer the company would sell in order to make a profit. It is important to understand the nature of the costs of forming the company while keeping in mind the legal procedures and costs set up by the state. It is also important to research the environment in which the business will be run and to surmise a business plan for the near future. When all data is collected, we can clearly see the ups and the downs of running this kind of company and this can serve as a basis on which to decide if forming it would make sense.

Keywords:business plan, company, beer, import, costs, transport

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