
Stanje in vizija razvoja Tekaško-smučarskega kluba Idrija : magistrsko delo
ID Lapajne, Jošt (Author), ID Pustovrh, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vodičar, Janez (Comentor)

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil opredeliti trenutno stanje Tekaško smučarskega kluba Idrija in podati uporabno vizijo razvoja kluba z vidika organiziranosti, infrastrukture in opreme, šole teka na smučeh, tekmovalnih udejstvovanj, organizacije športnih dogodkov, povezovanja z lokalnim okoljem in soustvarjanja ponudbe športnega turizma na Vojskem. Metoda dela je bila deskriptivna. Poleg pridobivanja informacij iz domače in tuje literature smo si pomagali z informacijami neformalnega značaja. Delo je temeljilo tudi na lastnih izkušnjah. Tekaško smučarski klub Idrija, ki združuje vse ljubitelje teka na smučeh na Idrijskem, se v zadnjem obdobju spopada z izredno slabimi vremenskimi pogoji za vadbo, poleg tega pa nima niti resne vizije razvoja. To ogroža celo njegov obstoj, a vendar vidimo kar nekaj možnosti za uspešno prilagoditev kluba na trenutno situacijo. V magistrskem delu smo vseskozi prepletali stanje in vizijo posameznih segmentov delovanja kluba. Podali smo predloge za razvoj organizacije kluba, razvoj strokovnega in organizacijskega dela kluba, nadgradnjo Tekaško smučarskega centra Vojsko, s katerim upravlja klub, ter predstavili vlogo kluba pri razvoju športnega turizma v lokalnem okolju. Za uspešen razvoj kluba je predvsem potrebno priskrbeti dodatne vire financiranja in izgraditi potrebno infrastrukturo, nadgraditi tekmovalni program kluba, organizirati različne športne dogodke, skrbeti za dobro promocijo in sodelovati z lokalnim okoljem, predvsem pri soustvarjanju bogate športno turistične ponudbe.

Keywords:tek na smučeh, športni klub, športni dogodek, tečaji teka na smučeh, športni turizem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115279 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:14039555 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:State and vision of Idrija cross-country ski club
The purpose of the master's thesis was to determine the current state of the Idrija cross-country cki club and to give a useful vision of the club's development in terms of organization, infrastructure and equipment, ski school, competitions, organization of sports events, connection with the local community and co-creation of sports tourism in Vojsko. The method of work was descriptive. In addition to obtaining information from domestic and foreign literature, we also relied on various types of informal information. The work was also based on our own experience. Idrija cross-country ski club, which brings together all lovers of cross-country skiing in Idrija, has been dealing with extremely bad weather conditions for training and has also no serious vision of development. This even threatens its existence, but we still see quite a few options for successfully adjusting the club to the current situation. In our work we have constantly interwoven the state and vision of individual segments of the club's operations. We submitted proposals for the improvement of both professional and structural aspects of the club, the upgrade of the Vojsko cross-country ski centre, which the club manages, and presented the role of the club in the development of sports tourism in the local environment. In order to successfully develop the club, it is necessary to provide additional sources of financing and build the necessary infrastructure, upgrade the club's competition program, organize various sports events, ensure good promotion and cooperate with the local environment, especially in co-creating a rich sports tourism offer.

Keywords:cross-country skiing, sports club, sports event, cross-country skiing courses, sports tourism

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