
Sestojne padavine v izbranih urbanih gozdovih Ljubljane : magistrsko delo - (magistrski študij - 2. stopnja)
ID Kermavnar, Janez (Author), ID Pirnat, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vilhar, Urša (Comentor)

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Urbani gozdovi zagotavljajo številne koristi oziroma ekosistemske storitve. Njihova hidrološka funkcija se kaže tudi v uravnavanju količine vodnih virov. Na območju Mestne občine Ljubljana smo preučili sestojne padavine (vsota prepuščenih padavin in odtoka po deblu) v izbranih peri-urbanih (v bližini Gameljn) in urbanih gozdovih (na ljubljanskem Rožniku) z različno drevesno sestavo in zgradbo sestoja. Prepuščene padavine so bile spremljane na raziskovalnih ploskvah v nižinskem poplavnem gozdu listavcev ob reki Savi, v obrežnem rdečeborovju ter v mešanem gozdu gradna in domačega kostanja s primesjo smreke. Padavine na prostem so bile izmerjene na bližnjih odprtih površinah - travnikih. Odtok vode po deblu smo ocenili s pomočjo dosedanjih raziskav. Rezultati kažejo, da je bil v povprečju ocenjeni delež sestojnih padavin v količini padavin na prostem v analiziranem obdobju od 2008 do 2013 največji v obrežnem rdečeborovju (96,1 %) najmanjši pa v mešanem gozdu na Rožniku (82,0 %). V poplavnem gozdu listavcev je njihov povprečni delež znašal 92,9 %. Delež padavin, ki dosežejo gozdna tla, je bil v obrežnem rdečeborovju in v poplavnem gozdu listavcev v Gameljnah precej večji v obdobju mirovanja vegetacije, v mešanem gozdu na Rožniku pa v vegetacijskem obdobju. Sklepamo, da na sestojne padavine ne vpliva zgolj struktura sestoja in njegova vrstna sestava, ampak tudi intenziteta padavin. Obravnavani gozdovi predstavljajo kakovostni in količinski filter, saj s prestrezanjem padavin in zadrževanjem vode blažijo erozijske procese ter posledice izrednih vremenskih pojavov.

Keywords:urbani gozd, sestojne padavine, zgradba gozda, vodni viri, Ljubljana
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Kermavnar]
Number of pages:XIII f., 103 f., [11] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115262 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4165286 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Stand precipitation in selected urban forests In the city of Ljubljana
Urban forests provide many benefits and ecosystem services respectively. Regulating the volume of water resources can be recognized as their hydrological function. In the area of City Municipality of Ljubljana, stand precipitation (the sum of throughfall and stemflow) in two selected peri-urban forests (near Gameljne) and one urban forest (Rožnik) with different tree species composition and stand structure were examined. Throughfall was monitored on the research plots in the lowland floodplain hardwood forest along the Sava river, in riparian Scots pine forest and in the mixed forest of sessile oak, sweet chestnut and Norway spruce. Gross precipitation were measured in nearby open areas % meadows. Stemflow was estimated by using relevant studies. The results show, that the average estimated proportion of stand precipitation (% of total rainfall), over the analyzed period from 2008 to 2013, was the largest in riparian Scots pine forest (96,1 %) and the lowest in mixed forest on Rožnik (82,0 %). In the floodplain deciduous forest, its average share was 92,9 %. The proportion of stand precipitation in riparian Scots pine forest and in floodplain deciduous forest in Gameljne was much higher during the dormant period, but in mixed forest on Rožnik, it was higher in growing season. In conclusion, stand precipitation is not affected only from the stand structure and its species composition, but precipitation intensity can also play an important role. These forests represent quality and quantitative filter for precipitation water. With the interception and retention of rainfall in treetops, they mitigate erosion processes and the effects of extreme weather phenomenons.

Keywords:urban forest, stand precipitation, forest structure, water resources, Ljubljana

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