
Analiza strukture sestojev na območju grebena Brezniških peči : magistrsko delo - 2. stopnja
ID Willewaldt, Matic (Author), ID Kadunc, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V delu se je preučilo zgradbo sestojev na severnih in južnih pobočjih grebena Brezniških peči, ki se kot zadnji del Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp pod najvišjimi vrhovi Karavank zajeda proti Zgornjesavski dolini. Na območju, velikem 300 ha, je bilo zakoličenih 30 vzorčnih ploskev velikosti 4 arov, na nadmorskih višinah od 650 do 1120 m. Na ploskvah se je izvedlo analizo zgradbe sestojev. Preučilo se je drevesno sestavo, socialno zgradbo, debelinsko, starostno in kakovostno strukturo drevja. S popisom in odvzetimi vzorci se je določila suha biomasa grmovne in zeliščne plasti. Za rastne analize so bili na vsaki ploskvi z vrtanjem dreves odvzeti vzorci in istim drevesom izmerjena višina. V drevesni plasti prevladujejo drevesa bukve, črnega gabra, rdečega bora, macesna in smreke. Povprečna lesna zaloga na grebenu je bila 262 m3/ha, na južni strani 279 m3/ha, na severni pa 422 m3/ha. Debelinska struktura je na južni strani grebena precej slaba, medtem ko je ta nekoliko boljša na severni strani, zaradi česar je boljša tudi sortimentna struktura. Debelinska rast se v povprečju začne umirjati po 100. letu, na bolj skrajnih rastiščih še nekoliko prej. Produkcijska sposobnost rastišč na grebenu v povprečju dosega 2,22 m3ha-1leto-1, na južni strani 4,35 m3ha-1leto-1, na severnih pobočjih pa 5,43 m3ha-1leto-1. Na rast branik najbolj vplivajo celoletne in sezonske padavine tekočega leta.

Keywords:zgradba sestoja, debelinska rast, produkcijska sposobnost rastišč, fitomasa, greben Brezniških peči
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Willewaldt]
Number of pages:IX, 73 f., [24] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115252 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*22(497.4Brezniške peči)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:4455846 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of stand structure of the Brezniške peči ridge
The work examines the composition of forest stands on the southern slopes of the Brezniške Peči ridge which stretches under the tallest peaks of the Karavanke range as the far end of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. At a 300 ha area, 30 sample surfaces, each 4 ares in size, have been marked out at altitudes ranging from 650 to 1120 m. An analysis of forest stand composition has been performed on these surfaces. Tree composition, social structure, diameter growth structure, age and quality structures have been examined. Dry biomass of shrub and herbaceous layers has been specified by documenting and collecting samples. For the purpose of growth analysis samples have been collected from each sample surface by boring wood cores. The corresponding trees% heights have been measured. Predominant species in the tree layer are beech, hop hornbeam, Scots pine, larch and spruce. Average growing stock at the ridge amounted to 262 m3/ha, 279 m3/ha at the south side and 422 m3/ha at the north side. While the diameter structure is relatively poor at the south side of the ridge, it is slightly better at the north side which also contributes to a better assortment structure. Tree thickening starts to settle at the average age of 100 years, earlier at more extreme sites. Production capacity of growth sites at the ridge amounts to an average 2,22 m3ha-1year-1, at the south side 4,35 m3ha-1year-1 and 5,43 m3ha-1year-1 at the northern slopes. The largest contributing factor to the development of growth rings is annual and seasonal precipitation of the current year.

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