
ID POTOČNIK, TARA (Author), ID Todorovski, Ljupčo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tutorstvo se na Univerzi v Ljubljani izvaja od leta 2007. Izvajajo ga tutorji študenti, ki pomagajo predvsem mlajšim študentom pri pridobivanju informacij v zvezi s študijem in pri osvajanju študijskega znanja. V času izvajanja tutorstva sem opazila, da bi lahko dejavnost tutorstva izboljšali. Veliko študentov slabo pozna sistem tutorstva ali pa jim ni jasno kako sistem deluje. Nekatere fakultete ponujajo razdrobljene informacije o študiju in študijskih vsebinah preko številnih različnih kanalov. Veliko študentov se zato raje po pomoč obrne na sošolce, kolege in asistente predmetov kot pa na tutorje. Diplomska naloga predstavi prototip spletne aplikacije eTutor, ki ponuja podporo študentom in tutorjem Univerze v Ljubljani. Načrtovanje in razvoj spletne aplikacije sloni na rezultatih ankete, v kateri smo študente Univerze v Ljubljani povprašali o načinu prejemanja informacij na fakulteti in o zaželenih funkcionalnostih spletne aplikacije za podporo tutorstva. Rezultati kažejo, da anketiranci sicer raje prosijo druge kolege za osebno pomoč, a bi vseeno želeli imeti možnost interakcije s tutorji s pomočjo spletne aplikacije. Razviti prototip vključuje večino funkcionalnosti, ki so jih navajali anketiranci. Implementacija teh funkcionalnosti ponuja študentom enotno točko za dostop do vseh relevantnih informacij v zvezi s študijem, medtem ko tutorjem omogoča enotno točko za izvajanje vseh tutorskih aktivnosti, tako pomoči študentom kot pisanju poročil. Koristi za študente so torej večja informiranost in boljša dostopnost do učnih gradiv, za tutorje pa poenoteno in pol-avtomatizirano delo.

Keywords:spletna aplikacija, informacije, tutor, študent, razvoj IS
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115242 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.04.2020
POTOČNIK, TARA, 2020, RAZVOJ SPLETNE APLIKACIJE ZA ŠTUDENTE IN TUTORJE UNIVERZE V LJUBLJANI [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Tutoring has been practiced at the University of Ljubljana since 2007. Tutoring is carried out by students who help students, especially younger students, with acquiring study-related information and learning. During my time as a tutor, I noticed that tutoring could be improved. Many students are not familiar with the tutoring system or are unsure of how it works. Some faculties offer fragmented study-related information throughout various media and students, therefore, find it easier to turn to classmates, colleagues, and teaching assistants for help, instead of to tutors. This thesis presents the prototype of the eTutor web application which offers support for students and tutors at the University of Ljubljana. The planning and development of the Web application are based on the questionnaire in which we asked students of the University of Ljubljana about their way of acquiring study-related information and about their requested functionalities that the eTutor web application should have. Their responses show that even though the respondents rather ask for help personally, they would still like to have a Web application for interaction with tutors. The developed prototype covers most of the functionalities that the respondents mentioned they would like to have. By implementing these functionalities we provided students with a single point of access for the relevant study-related information and provided tutors with a single point for carrying out their tutoring activities, which includes helping students and writing the final tutoring report. The benefits of using this application for students are greater awareness and access to learning materials and a more uniform and semi-automated work for tutors.

Keywords:Web application, information, tutor, student, IS development

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