
Prehrana gamsa (Rupicapra rupicapra L.) v severovzhodni Sloveniji : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Hercog, Tadej (Author), ID Jerina, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Gams (Rupicapra rupicapra L.) je prežvekovalec vmesnega tipa, ki se v vegetacijskem delu leta prehranjuje bolj izbiralno kot generalistično. Na prehransko strategijo vpliva kakovost, hranljivost in količina dostopne hrane, ki jo največkrat narekujejo klimatske razmere, v veliki meri snežna odeja. Diplomska naloga obravnava jesensko % zimsko prehrano gamsa v Kamniško % Savinjskih alpah in Karavankah, ki je bila razmeroma slabo poznana. Raziskava je temeljila na makroskopski prehranski analizi 64 vzorcev in je zajela določanje količin, pogostnosti in pomena prehranskih komponent. Cilji naloge so bili spoznati prehransko strategijo gamsa, zastopanost prehranskih komponent, spoznati spremembe v prehrani skozi čas, primerjati prehrano med spoloma, starostnima kategorijama, območjema, sezonama in letom vzorčenja in spoznati vpliv snega na izbiro prehrane pri gamsu. Izkazalo se je, da je gams generalistični prežvekovalec, ki poje največ trav (53 %), sledijo jim zelišča (20,5 %), listnate grmovnice (13,3 %), drevesa iglavcev (3,4 %), drevesa listavcev (3,0 %), iglasti grmi (2,8 %), plodovi (2,1 %), ostalo (1,7 %) in gobe (0,2 %). Največje razlike v sestavi prehrane gamsov so med sezonama vzorčenja in najmanjše med spoloma. Količina snega in trajanje snežne odeje zmanjšuje delež in pomen zelišč, ter povečuje delež iglavcev (drevesa, grmi) in listnatih grmovnic v prehrani gamsa.

Keywords:gams, Rupicapra rupicapra L., prehrana, živali, Karavanke
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Hercog]
Number of pages:IX, 61 f., [9] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115150 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4507814 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Diet of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra L.) in the northeastern Slovenia
Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra L.) is a ruminant of intermediate type, which in vegetative part of the year eats selectively. Feeding strategy depends on the quality, nutrition and quantity of available feed, which is influenced by climate conditions, mainly by the amount of snow cover. This thesis examines autumn % winter eating behaviour of chamois in the Kamnik-Savinja Alps and the Karawanks. The study is based on macroscopic feeding analysis of 64 samples with a goal of setting the quantity, frequency and importance of feeding components. The objectives of this thesis are the following: to learn about the feeding strategy of chamois; to observe coverage of feeding components, changes in feeding over time and compare the feed between sexes, age categories, regions, seasons and years of sampling; and to learn about the influence of snow on chamois% feeding options. Our results show that chamois is a generalist ruminant which eats mainly grass (53 %), followed by herbs (20,5 %), leafy shrubs (13,3 %), conifer trees (3,4 %), deciduous trees (3,0 %), conifer shrubs (2,8 %), pods (2,1 %) and mushrooms (0,2 %). Seasons of sampling reveal the biggest differences in composition of the feed, while the smallest differences appear between sexes. The amount of snow and the duration of snow cover reduce the share and importance of herbs while they increase the share of conifers (trees and shrubs) and deciduous shrubs in chamois feed.

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