
Razširjenost cemprina (Pinus cembra L.) in ohranjenost njegovega genofonda v Sloveniji : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij - 1. stopnja
ID Marolt, Uroš (Author), ID Brus, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Božič, Gregor (Comentor)

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V delu smo raziskali edini znani domnevno avtohtoni nahajališči cemprina (Pinus cembra L.) v Sloveniji: pod Krnesom in pri Beli peči, obe v pogorju Smrekovca. Želeli smo opisati stanje in preveriti, ali je cemprin v Sloveniji samonikel. Z GPS napravo smo določili pozicije osebkov cemprina, osebke premerili, določili razdaljo do najbližjega sosednjega cemprina, ocenili zdravstveno stanje, določili starost dveh osebkov z metodo izvrtkov in zabeležili znake pomlajevanja. Nahajališča in pozicije posameznih cemprinov v pogorju Smrekovca prikazujemo na izsekih kart glede na relief, geološko podlago, vrsto tal, gozdne združbe in rabo tal. Pod Krnesom uspeva 11 cemprinov, pri Beli peči 4. Cemprini pri Beli peči so v povprečju višji in debelejši, verjetno tudi starejši. Starost dveh vzorčenih cemprinov pod Krnesom na višini debla 1,3 m je 62 oz. 66 let. Povprečni debelinski prirastek pri vzorčenem cemprinu na gozdnem robu je 1,97 mm/leto, v sestoju pa 1,25 mm/leto. Pod Krnesom smo našli osebek mladja in na dveh osebkih opazili storže. Za rastišči, opisani kot smrekovje z gozdno bekico (Luzulo sylvaticae-Piceetum), je značilna gosta podrast, ki bi jo bilo treba na manjših ploskvah odstraniti in raziskati pogostnost pojavljanja pomladka cemprina. Lahko gre za marginalno populacijo cemprina na njegovem robnem rastišču na skrajnem vzhodnem območju Alp. Najpomembnejši argument proti samoniklosti je razporeditev 9 osebkov pod Krnesom ob deželni meji in frati. Zapisov o saditvi ni. Cemprini v pogorju Smrekovca naj tudi v prihodnje obdržijo status dendrološke naravne vrednote.

Keywords:cemprin, Pinus cembra, razširjenost, avtohtonost, starost, naravno pomlajevanje, ukrepi za ohranitev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Marolt]
Number of pages:IX f., 50 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115119 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4113574 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Distribution of swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra l.) and threats to it's gene pool in Slovenia
In the thesis the only two sites where the Swiss pine (Pinus cembra L.) is considered to occur natively in Slovenia were studied: one below the Krnes mountain and one near the Bela Peč mountain, both part of the Smrekovec massif. Our intention was to document the situation and to ascertain whether the Swiss pine is indigenous in Slovenia. The exact locations of the individual trees were determined using a GPS device, the trees were measured in terms of size and inspected in terms of health, the distances between closest neighbouring trees were calculated, and two individuals' ages determined by increment boring. Also noted were signs of rejuvenation. The two sites and the individual Swiss pines' locations in the Smrekovec massif are indicated on sections of relief, bedrock, soil, forest phytocoenoses and land use maps. Eleven Swiss pines were found to grow below the Krnes mountain and four near the Bela Peč mountain. The latter have greater mean diameters and heights and are probably older than the former. The two trees from below the Krnes that were bored at the height of 1.3 m are aged 62 and 66. The individual growing on the edge of the forest has a mean annual increment of 1.97 mm while the other, growing inside the forest, has 1.25 mm. A Swiss pine seedling was found below the Krnes, and cones were seen on two individuals. The two sites, described as woodrush-spruce woods (Luzulo sylvaticae-Piceetum), are characterised by dense undergrowth which would have to be removed in a few patches in order to study the presence of Swiss pine seedlings. Potentially, the two sites are home to marginal populations of Swiss pine at the edge of its natural range in the easternmost part of the Alps. The most prominent argument against nativity is the distribution of the nine individuals below the Krnes % it follows a regional border and the edge of a grassland. No planting records exist. The Swiss pines of the Smrekovec massif must retain their status as a dendrological site of natural interest.

Keywords:Swiss stone pine, Pinus cembra, distribution, autochthonity, age, natural regeneration, conservation measures

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