Exact and up-to-date data of forest traffic route openness (including forest roads and skidding trails) are important for rational planning of forest production. Thesisʼ purpose was to acquire data about skidding trails openness in sections 227 and 228 in GGE Železniki, district Dražgoše, and to compare with listed in the technological part of forest cultivating plan. Recorded densities of skidding trails in comparison to listed densities were relative larger for 30 % in section 227 and 5 % in section 228. Around forest traffic routes were drawn also 50 m buffer zones that show what part of surface of departments is opened for working with a tractor with 50 m long wire-cable. The proportion of open surface with forest traffic routes was 92 % in section 227 and 53 % in section 228. These data of openness were relative larger from the data within plan for 15 % in the section 227 and 6 % in section 228. In both sections there were planned new skidding trails in common length of 2289 m that will increase proportion of open surface to 96 % in the section 227 and 94 % in the section 228.