
Razširjenost rodu medvejka (Spiraea L.) v Breginjskem kotu : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij - 1. stopnja
ID Pavlin, Marko (Author), ID Brus, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dakskobler, Igor (Comentor)

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V Breginjskem kotu smo podrobno preučili populaciji dveh avtohtonih taksonov iz rodu Spiraea. Spiraea decumbens Koch. subsp. decumbens je vzhodnoalpska endemična podvrsta, ki ima v Sloveniji vzhodno mejo svoje razširjenosti. Vsa njena doslej znana nahajališča so v Breginjskem kotu in v dolini Učje. Pregledali smo 48, fitocenološko pa popisali 25 njenih nahajališč in na njih analizirali stanje populacij. Našli smo dve novi nahajališči v novem kvadrantu srednjeevropskega kartiranja flore 9746/4, pri Kozji peči na vznožju Mije, kjer ta vrsta uspeva na obvodnih apnenčastih skalah tik ob Nadiži. To je za zdaj najbolj jugozahodno nahajališče v celotnem arealu, najmanjše med vsemi preučenimi v Breginjskem kotu in edino na apnencu. Vse ostale populacije so bile na dolomitnih rastiščih, največja na nahajališču Plazi pri Prekopi nad Breginjem. Pomlajevanje je večinoma vegetativno in omejeno na manjšo površino. Populacije so vitalne, negativnih vplivov abiotskih in biotskih dejavnikov nismo opazili. Vrsta Spiraea chamaedryfolia L. subsp. ulmifolia (Scop.) Maxim. je jugovzhodnoevropski takson, ki ima v Breginjskem kotu severozahodno mejo svojega areala. Pregledali smo dvanajst njegovih nahajališč v vzhodnem delu pogorja Mije in na podoru Molida pod Matajurjem, od tega podrobno fitocenološko popisali osem nahajališč. Uspeva v kamnitih gozdovih, ponekod se uveljavi v vrzelih po sečnji ali naravnih ujmah. Tudi njene populacije so vitalne in večjih poškodb po biotskih ali abiotskih dejavnikih nismo opazili.

Keywords:fitocenologija, floristično kartiranje, Breginjski kot, Spiracea decumbens, Spiraea chamaedryfolia
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Pavlin]
Number of pages:33 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115079 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*18:630*23(497.4Breginjski kot)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:4058534 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Distribution of genus spirea (Spiraea l.) in Breginjski kot
In Breginjski kot we conducted a thorough study of populations of two autochthonous taxa from the genus Spiraea. Spiraea decumbens Koch. subsp. decumbens is an Eastern-Alpine endemic subspecies and the southern border of its distribution area is in Slovenia. All of its known localities are in the Breginjski kot and in the Učja Valley. We examined 48 and made a phytosociological inventory of 25 of its localities where we analysed the state of its populations. We identified two new localities in the new quadrant (9746/4) of the Central-European flora mapping grid, at Kozja Peč at the foothills of Mija, where the species occurs on riparian limestone rocks directly along the Nadiža River. This is for now the southwesternmost locality in its entire distribution area, the smallest among those examined in the Breginjski kot and the only locality on limestone. All other populations were found on dolomite sites, the largest was on the locality Plazi at Prekopa above Breginj. Regeneration is mainly vegetative and limited to a small area. Populations are vital and we have not noticed any negative effects of abiotic and biotic factors. Spiraea chamaedryfolia L. subsp. ulmifolia (Scop.) Maxim. is a Southeastern-European taxon whose northwesternmost border of its distribution area is in the Breginjski kot. We examined twelve of its localities in the eastern part of the Mija Mountains and on the rockfall Molida under Mt. Matajur, and conducted a thorough phytosociological inventory of eight localities. The species grows in rocky forests and sometimes establishes itself in the gaps that occur after felling and natural disasters. Its populations are also vital and we detected no major injuries caused by biotic or abiotic factors.

Keywords:Spiraea decumbens, Spiraea chamaedryfolia, phytosociology, floristic mapping, Breginjski kot

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