
Medvrstna konkurenca v odraslih, mešanih sestojih na jelovo-bukovih rastiščih v Leskovi dolini : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij - 1. stopnja
ID Košir, Kristijan (Author), ID Kadunc, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kobal, Milan (Comentor)

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Namen študije je bil analizirati radialno in temeljnično priraščanje mešanih gozdov glede na rastne in sestojne razmere. Terenske meritve so potekale na območju GGE Leskova dolina, kjer smo poiskali dvanajst ploskev, od tega sedem pobočnih in pet grebenskih. S središča ploskve smo izmerili razdaljo, naklon in azimut do oglišč in vseh dreves na ploskvi. Drevesom smo izmerili še premer in višino ter ocenili socialni status drevesa. Vsem smo odvzeli izvrtke za zadnjih deset let, dominantnim drevesom (pet dreves smreke, pet jelke in pet bukve) pa do stržena. Gostote sestojev so višje na grebenih, vendar pa je lesna zaloga v teh sestojih nižja kot na pobočjih. S staranjem dreves se manjšata radialni in relativni temeljnični prirastek. Radialni prirastki so večji tam, kjer imajo drevesa več rastnega prostora, medtem ko so tam manjši temeljnični prirastki. Večji kot je delež bukve, manjša sta povprečni radialni prirastek in relativni temeljnični prirastek, medtem ko za jelko velja ravno obratno. Najvišje radialne prirastke smo pri vseh drevesnih vrstah zabeležili pri nadraslih drevesih, medtem ko smo najvišje relativne temeljnične prirastke bukve in smreke izmerili pri podraslih drevesih, jelka pa je imela najslabše relativne temeljnične prirastke pri nadraslih drevesih. Sestoji na grebenu imajo manjše radialne in relativne temeljnične prirastke od sestojev na pobočju.

Keywords:radialni prirastek, temeljnični prirastek, konkurenca, socialni položaj, relief, mešan gozd, Leskova dolina
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Košir]
Number of pages:VIII, 42 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-115034 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*561:630*228(497.4Leskova dolina(043.2)=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:4465062 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.04.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Interspecies competition in mature, mixed forest stands on fir - beech sites in the Leskova dolina
The study aimed at analysing the radial and basal area growth of mixed forests in regard to growth and stands conditions. Field measurements were carried out at the forest management unit Leskova dolina site. Altogether 12 research plots were selected, 7 of them on slopes and 5 on ridges. From the centre of each plot the distance, inclination and azimuth in relation to the vertices for all the trees were measured. Moreover, the diameters and heights of trees were measured and their social status was determined. From every tree on the plot the increment core for the last 10 tree rings was taken using Pressler%s borer, while for the 15 dominant trees (5 spruces, 5 firs, 5 beech trees) per plot the cores were taken to the pith. Stand densities were higher on ridge stands, while the growing stock on these stands was lower in comparison with the slope stands. Radial and basal area growth decline in all tree species with aging. Radial growth was bigger on stands with higher growing space per tree, while basal area growth was lower in such areas. Radial, as well as basal area growth on the stands decreases with increasing the share of the beech, while the effect of silver fir share was the opposite. The highest radial growth for all analysed tree species was recorded for predominant trees. On the contrary the highest relative basal area growth for beech and spruce was recorded in suppressed trees, while as regards fir the lowest relative basal area growth was indicated for the predominant trees. Stands on ridges exemplified lower radial as well as basal area increments compared to slope stands.

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