The purpose of the thesis was to determine the state of the forest and individual forest stands, and their or. its protective effect against rockfall on the road Kranj - Zg. Jezersko. In the field, were mapped rock sources and stands, witch were inventoried and evaluated with the NaiS method. The stands were based on NaiS guidelines, the current status and their development after 10 and 50 years, divided into three categories according to the necessity of action. For each category, were made an assessment of the situation and the measures which would be necessary or advisable to carry out. Poor regeneration and non-site adapted tree species where the main problems in the stands where the action was urgent. The probability of rocks passing through the stand was calculated with model based on obtained data. Besides the stand density, tree species, and the average diameter of the trees also the proximity of rockfall sources and the size of the falling rocks were very important for rock trajectories. Existing forest didn't protect two sections of the road, where the rockfall source was too close to the road and the size of the rocks is 1 meter in diameter. In these two sections it would be advisable to install the rockfall protection nets.