
Analiza hibridne vojne na primeru Ukrajine in Venezuele
ID ČEŠAREK, ANDREJ (Author), ID Durnik, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem svetu se kot glavni način vojskovanja pogosteje uporablja hibridno vojskovanje. Gre za nov način vojskovanja, ki se razlikuje od konvencionalnega. Namen tega diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, zakaj je hibridno vojskovanje vse bolj priljubljeno med državami, kot klasično vojskovanje. Zelo pomembno je dokazati, zakaj je ta način vojskovanja teže dokazljiv in opažen med ljudmi, ter na kakšne načine se izvaja. Za lažjo predstavitev tega pojma sem v tem diplomskem delu primerjal dve državi, ki sta bili žrtvi hibridnega vojskovanja. Pri pisanju diplomskega dela sem uporabil več metod, in sicer: metodo deskripcije, komparativno metodo, metodo analize obstoječe znanstvene literature, zgodovinsko metodo in nazadnje statistično analizo. S pomočjo zgoraj naštetih metod in s pomočjo analize sem podrobno predstavil, kaj pomeni hibridno vojskovanje. Kako ga lahko prepoznamo in kateri so njegovi glavni elementi na primeru Ukrajine in Venezuele. Večji pomen sem podal ukrajinski krizi, ker je ta že končana. Zaradi končane vojne je seznam literature, ki sem ga imel na razpolago pri pisanju, daljši. Pri opisu venezuelske krize sem se srečal s pomanjkanjem literature, ker kriza še vedno traja. Prav zaradi tega se avtorji ne ukvarjajo s pisanjem strokovnih člankov in knjig. Cilj, ki sem si ga zastavil na začetku, sem s pomočjo analize uspešno dosegel. Želim vam prijetno branje tega diplomskega dela. Ključne besede:

Keywords:hibridno vojskovanje, konvencionalno vojskovanje, ukrajinska kriza, venezuelska kriza, politična propaganda, lažne novice, velesile
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114897 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.03.2020
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In today's world, hybrid warfare is more commonly used as the main way of warfare. It is a new concept, that represents a whole new way of warfare, that is actually, different from the conventional way of warfare. The purpose of the diploma thesis is to bring the concept of hybrid warfare, as close as possible to the people, and at the same time to remind them, how very dangerous such warfare is. It is also very important to show, why this hybrid warfare is harder to be determined and noticed among people, and how it is carried out. In order to make this concept easier, in my diploma thesis I used the case of two countries, that were victims of hybrid warfare. Through writing this diploma thesis, I used several methods, such as: the descriptive method, the comparative method, the method of analysis of the existing scientific literature, the historical method, and finally the statistical analysis. Using the above mentioned methods and through the analysis, I presented in details what hybrid warfare means. How we can recognize it easy and what are its main elements; in the case of Ukraine and Venezuela. I gave greater importance to the Ukrainian crisis, because it is already finished. Because that war is already finished, the list of literature I had available was longer. However, when describing the Venezuelan crisis, I was faced with a lack of literature because the crisis is still ongoing. It is the reason why the authors are not engaged in writing professional articles and books. The goal that I have set at the beginning, through analysis is successfully achieved. I hope you will enjoy in your further reading. I wish you a pleasant reading of this diploma thesis. I hope you will enjoy in your further reading.

Keywords:hybrid warfare, conventional warfare, Ukrainian crisis, Venezuela crisis, propaganda, fake news, superpowers

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