
ID Pogačar, Maja (Author), ID Aristovnik, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za izboljšanje gospodarskega in družbenega napredka ter za blažitev posledic krize je Evropska komisija v letu 2010 sprejela strategijo Evropa 2020. Za merjenje napredka pri uresničevanju strategije je zastavljenih pet ciljev. Ker se strategija počasi končuje, se vse bolj postavlja vprašanje, koliko je Sloveniji uspelo doseči zastavljene cilje. Delo predstavlja vmesno evalvacijo stanja in temelji predvsem na uporabi treh metod: metoda analize, komparativna metoda in metoda kompilacije. Glavni namen teh metod je omogočiti temeljito predstavo stanja ciljnih področij strategije v Sloveniji. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je Slovenija kljub slabšim kazalnikom med letoma 2008 in 2013 na dobri poti, da doseže cilj zaposlenosti. Pri izpolnjevanju cilja izdatkov za raziskave in razvoj ter inovacije se v zadnjih letih vse bolj oddaljuje od zastavljenega cilja. Količina emisij toplogrednih plinov v okviru odločbe o delitvi truda ostaja v okviru zastavljenega cilja, prav tako izpolnjuje cilj energetske učinkovitosti. Na področju obnovljivih virov energije se kljub začetnemu optimističnemu trendu počasi oddaljuje od zastavljenega cilja. Slovenija je že izpolnila oba cilja izobraževanja. Prav tako se od leta 2014 približuje cilju na področju revščine in socialne izključenosti. Ob primerjavi Slovenije z izbranimi državami članicami je Slovenija večinoma uspešnejša. Delo kot celota obsežno predstavi stanje na različnih pomembnih področjih v Sloveniji in bi zato lahko koristilo stroki z vidika dobre prakse ali za pripravljanje ukrepov izboljšanja stanja. Laični javnosti lahko pomaga za splošno predstavo stanja v Sloveniji. Zaradi neuspeha nekaterih ciljev strategije je delo dober začetek za nadaljnjo in bolj poglobljeno analizo teh ugotovitev.

Keywords:strategija Evropa 2020, zaposlovanje, raziskovanje, razvoj in inovacije, podnebne spremembe in energija, izobraževanje, revščina in socialna izključenost, Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114787 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5411502 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.03.2020
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Secondary language

To improve economic and social development and to soften the effects of the economic crisis, in 2010 the European Commission enacted the Europe 2020 strategy. For the measurement of the strategy implementation, five targets have been set. As the strategy is slowly coming to its final stages, questions, whether Slovenia achieved the set targets, are arising. The thesis represents an intermediate evaluation of the state and is based mainly on the use of three methods: analysis method, comparative method and compilation method. The main purpose of these methods is to enable a thorough presentation of the state of the target fields of the strategy in Slovenia. It has been established that Slovenia is, even though its parameters between the years 2008 and 2013 have not been good, on the path of meeting the set target regarding employment. The last few years the target set for R&D and innovation seems to be out of reach. The greenhouse gas emissions set in the mutual effort decision seems to be achievable as is the target set on energy efficiency. The target set on renewable energy sources, contrary to its initial progress, seems to be out of reach. Slovenia has already met both targets set in the field of education. Since 2014 it is also achieving the target on poverty and social exclusion. By comparing Slovenia to selected member states, Slovenia has indeed been more successful. This Master thesis thoroughly presents different important fields in Slovenia and could as such help experts in the aspect of good practice or as a tool for designing improvement activities. It could help lay public to get a general perspective on the state of the matter in Slovenia. Because some targets of the strategy have not been achieved, the thesis is a good start of a further and more in-depth analysis of these findings.

Keywords:Strategy Europa 2020, employment, research, development and innovation, climate change and energy, education, poverty and social exclusion, Slovenia

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