
Dolgotrajni in transgeneracijski vpliv stresa na obnašanje odraslih miši in izraženost nekaterih genov v možganih
ID Frim, Brina (Author), ID Majdič, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na naš razvoj in življenje imajo lahko pomemben vpliv že dogodki pred našim rojstvom. Prenatalni materinski stres zarodka, ki nastane zaradi stresa na nosečo mater, lahko v obdobju fetalnega programiranja pomeni presežek ali pomanjkanje pričakovanega sprožilca. To privede do aberacij, kot so spremembe v živčnem in endokrinem sistemu, ki obstajajo tudi v odrasli dobi. Namen naloge je bil raziskati transgeneracijski učinek blagega in močnega prenatalnega stresa na anksioznemu podobno vedenje pri potomcih osebkov, ki so bili prenatalno stresirani ter izražanje razvojno pomembnih genov AR, GnRH in BDNF v možganih pri prenatalno stresiranih osebkih. Za model smo uporabili odrasle mišje samce. Anskioznemu podobno vedenje smo raziskovali z dvema vedenjskima testoma, s testom dvignjenega labirinta in s testom svetlega in temnega prostora, izražanje genov v možganih pa smo ovrednotili z imunohistokemično metodo barvanja. Anksioznemu podobnega vedenja pri potomcih prenatalno stresiranih živali nismo zaznali ne glede na intenzivnost, po čemer smo sklepali, da se učinki prenatalnega stresa na aksioznemu podobno vedenje ne prenašajo iz generacije v generacijo. Sprememb v izražanju GnRH in BDNF nismo zaznali, medtem ko smo ugotovili, da je prenatalni stres ne glede na intenzivnost vplival na zmanjšanje izražanja AR v ventromedialnem jedru možganov. Na podlagi naših rezultatov nismo zaznali posebnih učinkov prenatalnega stresa na raziskovane parametre, z izjemo vpliva na izražanje AR, ki ima pomembno razvojno vlogo pri spolni diferenciaciji. Vloga AR je pri vedenjih, kot sta spolno in agresivno vedenje manj opredeljena, znano pa je, da aktivnosti HPG in HPA osi lahko druga na drugo vplivata na nivoju AR. Iz tega razloga bi bile nadaljnje raziskave AR smiselne in zanimive.

Keywords:prenatalni stres, izražanje genov, vedenje, anksioznost, miši
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[B. Frim]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114677 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9436281 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.03.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Longterm and transgenerational stress effect on behaviour of adult mice and expression of some genes in the brain
The events before birth can have a significant impact on our development and life. Prenatal maternal stress of an embryo resulting from the stress of a pregnant mother may indicate an excess or shortage of the expected trigger during the fetal programming period. This leads to aberrations, such as changes in the nervous and endocrine systems, that also exist in adulthood. The aim of the study was to investigate the transgenerational effect of mild and severe prenatal stress on anxiety-like behaviour in offspring of animals who were prenatally stressed and expression of genes for AR, GnRH, and BDNF in the brain of prenatally stressed animals. Adult male mice were used as the model. Anxiety-like behaviour was investigated by two behavioral tests, the elevated plus-maze test, and light-dark box test, and gene expression in the brain was evaluated by immunohistochemical staining. We did not detect anxiety-like behaviour in offspring of prenatal stressed animals regardless of intensity, suggesting that the effects of prenatal stress on anxiety-like behaviour are not transmitted from generation to generation. We did not detect changes in GnRH and BDNF expression, whereas we found that, regardless of intensity, prenatal stress had an effect on reducing the expression of AR in the ventromedial nucleus of the brain. Based on our results, we did not detect any specific effects of prenatal stress on the parameters studied, with the exception of influencing the expression of AR, which plays an important developmental role in sexual differentiation. The role of AR in behaviours like reproductive and aggressive behaviours is not well defined, but it is well known that activities of the HPG and HPA axes may affect each other at the level of AR. For this reason, further research on AR would be interesting.

Keywords:prenatal stress, gene expression, behaviour, anxiety, mice

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