
ID Pleničar, Mohor (Author), ID Durnik, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti pomen politične participacije mladih v Sloveniji in Kanadi in teoretsko prikazati okvir volitev in volilnega sistema v obeh primerjalnih državah. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili tudi razloge za nizko volilno udeležbo v obeh primerjalnih državah. Raziskovalni izziv je bil poiskati glavne vzroke za nizko volilno udeležbo mladih. Pri tem smo uporabili historično metodo (v predstavitvi razvoja pridobitve splošne volilne pravice) in deskriptivno metodo dela (pri predstavitvi pridobitve volilne pravice mladih ranljivih skupin). S primerjalno analizo smo primerjali, politično participacijo, volilna sistema in vzroke nizke volilne udeležbe v Sloveniji in Kanadi, le-to pa dopolnjuje devet strukturiranih intervjujev, pridobljenih v obeh državah. Statistično metodo smo pridobili za prikaz volilne udeležbe mladih obeh držav. Z metodo terenskega dela, ki je bila izvedena na študijskem obisku v Kanadi smo predstavili mladinsko organizacijo Griffin center. Po izvedenih raziskavah dejanskega stanja na področju statističnega spremljanja volilne udeležbe mladih smo ugotovili, da je v Sloveniji statistika na tem področju sistematično vodena od leta 2017 dalje, v Kanadi pa so to statistiko vodili že od 1990 dalje. Ker je volilna udeležba mladih v obeh državah dokaj nizka, smo znotraj navedenih prizadevanj preučevali možnost znižanja starostne meje za pridobitev volilne pravice mladih. Ugotavljali smo tudi vpliv izboljšanja položaja mladih v družbi ter vpliv uvedbe e-volitev na njihovo volilno udeležbo. Iskanje in predstavitev različnih razlogov za majhno volilno udeležbo dopolnjen s študijskim obiskom v Kanadi in devetimi pol-strukturnimi intervjuji dopolni razumevanje volilne udeležbe mladih.

Keywords:mladi volivci, volilna pravica ranljivih skupin mladih, zvišanje volilne udeležbe mladih, zvišanje volilne udeležbe mladih, statistika volilne udeležbe mladih
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114453 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.02.2020
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The purpose of this diploma thesis is to present the importance of political participation of young people in Slovenia and Canada and to theoretically present the framework of elections and the electoral system in both comparative countries. Below, we also outlined the reasons for low turnout in both comparative countries. The research challenge was to find the root causes of low voter turnout. In doing so, we used the historical method (in the presentation of the development of universal suffrage) and the descriptive method of work (in the presentation of the voting rights of young vulnerable groups). The comparative analysis compared political participation, electoral systems and the causes of low voter turnout in Slovenia and Canada, which complements nine structured interviews obtained in both countries. The statistical method was obtained to show the participation of young people from both countries. The Griffin Center youth organization was introduced through a fieldwork method conducted on a study visit to Canada. After conducting research into the actual situation in the field of statistical monitoring of youth turnout, we found that in Slovenia, statistics in this area have been systematically managed from 2017 onwards, and in Canada these statistics have been kept since 1990. Given that the participation of young people in both countries is rather low, we have examined the possibility of lowering the age limit for acquiring the right to vote for young people within the stated efforts. We also identified the impact of improving the position of young people in society and the impact of the introduction of e-elections on their turnout. Finding and presenting various reasons for low turnout, supplemented by a study visit to Canada and nine semi-structured interviews complete the understanding of youth turnout.

Keywords:young voters, voting rights of vulnerable youth groups, activities of youth organizations, youth participation, youth policy to raise youth turnout, youth turnout statistics

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