
Kako prepoznaven je poklic radiološkega inženirja?
ID Djurić, Nina (Author), ID Starc, Tina (Author), ID Mekiš, Nejc (Author)

URLURL - Source URL, Visit http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-LAMQF5SL This link opens in a new window

Namen: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako prepoznaven je poklic radiološkega inženirja med študenti tretjega letnika različnih programov Zdravstvene fakultete v Ljubljani in naključnimi mimoidočimi. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila kvalitativna metoda dela, polstrukturiran intervju. Vzorec raziskave sta predstavljali dve nenaključno izbrani skupini in sicer študenti Zdravstvene fakultete in naključni mimoidoči. Za izvedbo intervjuja so bila uporabljena vnaprej pripravljena vprašanja odprtega tipa. Rezultati in razprava: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 30 študentov, 21 žensk in 9 moških, povprečne starosti 22 let in 60 naključnih mimoidočih, 30 žensk, povprečne starosti 38,87 ± 12,65 let, 3. do 7. stopnje izobrazbe in 30 moških, povprečne starosti 36,73 ± 11,36 let, 2. do 8. stopnje izobrazbe. Raziskava je pokazala, da je prepoznavnost radioloških inženirjev večja med študenti kot naključnimi mimoidočimi, saj kar tretjina mimoidočih ne pozna radiološkega inženirja in njegovega dela. Študentje so zaradi sorodnosti poklicev poznali nekatere radiološke diagnostično-terapevtske postopke in vlogo radiološkega inženirja. Naključni mimoidoči pa so glede na osebne izkušnje in splošno razgledanost umestili radiološkega inženirja in njegovo delo na najrazličnejša področja. Ne glede na spol, starost in stopnjo izobrazbe je prepoznavnost različna. Zaključek: Prepoznavnost radioloških inženirjev v javnosti je sorazmerno majhna. Povečali bi jo lahko z izdajo zgibank, s pomočjo plakatov in kratkim filmom z nazornim prikazom dela radiološkega inženirja, ki bi bili uporabljeni v čakalnicah zdravstvenih ustanov in sredstvih javnega obveščanja. Največ pa bi z dobro komunikacijo in pristnim odnosom s preiskovanci naredili radiološki inženirji sami.

Keywords:prepoznavnost radioloških inženirjev, kompetence radioloških inženirjev, delo radiološkega inženirja
Typology:1.04 - Professional Article
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Number of pages:Str. 16-20
Numbering:Letn. 27, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114439 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1855-5136
COBISS.SI-ID:27877081 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.02.2020
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Record is a part of a journal

Publisher:Društvo radioloških inženirjev Slovenije, Zbornica radioloških inženirjev Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:241400320 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:Recognisability of radiographer's profession
Aim: The aim of this research was to find out the recognisability of radiographers’ profession among the third year’s students of various programmes at the University College of Health Care, University of Ljubljana and among the random passers-by. Methods: Semi-structured interview was used which is qualitative method of work. Two not randomly selected groups were used as a sample of research. One group included the students of the University College of Health Care and the other included random passers-by. Openended questions prepared in advance were used in the interview. The interviews were recorded and later accurately transcribed. Results and discussion: The study included 30 students, 21 women and 9 men with the average age of 22 years and 60 randomly selected passers-by, 30 women with the average age of 38.87 ± 12.65 years with 3rd to 7th level of education and 30 men with the average age of 36.73 ± 11.36 years with 2nd to 8th level of education. The study has shown that the level of recognisability of radiographers is larger among the students than among the random passers-by. Almost one third of the passers-by did not know who radiographers were and were not familiar with the nature of their work. However, the students were familiar with some radiological diagnostic-therapeutic procedures and with the role of radiographers because of professional affinity. According to their personal experience and general knowledge and education, the random passers-by placed radiographers and their range of activities into various professional fields. Regardless of their sex, age and level of education, the recognisability levels varied. Conclusion: Recognisability of radiographers in public is relatively low. It could be increased by handing out brochures, putting up posters and showing a short film, presenting the work of a radiographer in the media and in the waiting rooms of health institutions. However, the greatest contribution to increase their recognisability could be made by the radiographers themselves by establishing good communication and a genuine relationship with patients.

Keywords:recognisability of radiographers, competences of radiographers, radiographers’ work

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