
ID Hadžimuratović, Edvin (Author), ID Zanne, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mesta s pristanišči in pristanišča s kontejnerskimi terminali hitro razvijajo ob nenehnem vlaganju v najsodobnejšo tehnologijo, ob raznolikih in zmogljivih manipulacijskih sredstvih ter usposobljenih in strokovnih delavcih. Poleg vlaganja v opremo, je potrebno le-to tudi redno vzdrževati, saj le ustrezno delujoča mehanizacija lahko nemoteno opravlja svojo funkcijo. V nalogi sem se osredotočil na delovanje obalnega kontejnerskega dvigala, ki je le eno, sicer verjetno najprej opazno, izmed številnih specializiranih delovnih sredstev na kontejnerskem terminalu. Kot so se povečevale kontejnerske ladje, da bi, skladno s konceptom ekonomije obsega, strošek na prepeljano enoto postal čim manjši, tako so se morala prilagajati pristanišča, ki so želela ostati konkurenčna in biti zmožna sprejema takih ladij. Višina in razširitev dvigala sta namreč neločljivo povezani z največjo velikostjo plovila, ki ga je mogoče sprejeti v pristanišče. Na ta način postane odločitev o naložbi v obalna kontejnerska dvigala tudi strateška izbira - terminal lahko služi večjim plovilom ali pa ne. Ne gre torej le za tehtanje donosnosti naložbe, pač pa za odločitev o nadgradnji žerjavov, saj se na ta način ustvarja pogoje, ki so za prihodnost terminala lahko ključni. Pri modernizaciji terminala nastanejo velike investicije, ki si jih investitor vrača s pomočjo amortizacije; pri dvigalih je to 20 let, vendar ne za vse elemente dvigala, kar je treba smiselno upoštevati. Da bi delovanje dvigala bilo učinkovito, je potrebna skupina 15-ih ljudi, od katerih sta v 8-urni izmeni dva žerjavista. Dvigalo potrebuje električno energijo, koliko le-te porabi na uro, pa je odvisno od sodobnosti dvigala. Kot je že omenjeno, je dvigala potrebno vzdrževati, da se preprečijo nepričakovane okvare in s tem povezane izgube in stroški. Stroški vzdrževanja pa so odvisni predvsem od starosti in režima uporabe dvigala. Tem stroškom je potrebno dodati še stroške zavarovanja dvigal. Na osnovi teh podatkov in načrtovanega pretovora, terminalisti pripravijo tarife, s katerimi morajo pokriti vse stroške, a hkrati ostati konkurenčni drugim pristaniščem v regiji. Tudi v koprski kontejnerski terminal je bilo v zadnjih letih vloženo veliko finančnih sredstev v opremo in infrastrukturo. Nabava dveh novih, zmogljivejših dvigal, Super Post Panamax, se je izkazala kot dobra naložba, saj je s tem omogočeno, da lahko v pristanišče priplujejo tudi ladje velikanke, ki pristanišču zagotavljajo pomembne direktne povezave z najpomembnejšimi svetovnimi tržišči.

Keywords:Obalno kontejnersko dvigalo, stroški obalnih kontejnerskih dvigal, pristanišče Luka Koper.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114415 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.02.2020
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Port cities and container terminal ports are rapidly evolving with continuous investment in state-of-the-art technology, with diversified and powerful manipulation tools and trained and skilled workers. In addition to investing in equipment, it must also be regularly maintained, as only properly functioning machinery can perform its function smoothly. In my thesis, I focused on the operation of a coastal container lift, which is only one of the many, probably the first, notable first among the many specialized work aids at a container terminal. As container ships grew in order to minimize the cost per unit transported, in line with the concept of economies of scale, ports that wished to remain competitive and be able to accommodate such ships had to adapt. The height and extension of the lift are inextricably linked to the maximum vessel size that can be taken into port. In this way, the decision to invest in offshore container lifts also becomes a strategic choice - the terminal may serve larger vessels or not. It is not only a matter of weighing the return on investment, but of deciding whether to upgrade the cranes, as this creates conditions that can be crucial for the future of the terminal. With the modernization of the terminal, large investments are made that the investor returns through depreciation; for lifts, this is 20 years, but not for all elevator elements, which should be reasonably taken into account. In order for the lift to operate effectively, a team of 15 people is needed, two of which are cranes in an 8-hour shift. The elevator needs electricity, and how much it consumes per hour depends on the modernity of the elevator. As mentioned earlier, lifts must be maintained to prevent unexpected damage and associated losses and costs. Maintenance costs depend primarily on the age and operating mode of the lift. The cost of securing elevators should be added to these costs. Based on this information and the planned throughput, terminalists prepare tariffs that cover all costs while remaining competitive with other ports in the region. The Koper Container Terminal has also been heavily invested in equipment and infrastructure in recent years. The acquisition of two new, more powerful lifts, the Super Post Panamax, has proven to be a good investment, enabling giant ships to enter the port, providing the port with important direct connections to major global markets.

Keywords:Coastal container lift, cost of coastal container lift, Port of Koper.

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