
ID Štepec, Tjaša (Author), ID Zanne, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z naraščanjem mobilnosti se povečuje tudi težnja po prometni varnosti, ki je postala globalni problem. S sprejetjem Nacionalnega programa varnosti cestnega prometa v Republiki Sloveniji so bili določeni cilji, ukrepi in projekti, ki so pripomogli k izboljšanju prometne varnosti v Sloveniji. Med dejavnike, ki vplivajo na prometno varnost, uvrščamo cestnoprometne udeležence, vozila ter cestno infrastrukturo in okolje. Izmed vseh pa je najpomembnejši človek. Glavni cilj prometne varnosti je uresničitev vizije nič, ki pomeni nič smrtnih žrtev in nič hudo poškodovanih cestnoprometnih udeležencev. Število smrtnih žrtev na slovenskih cestah variira, vendar je bilo lani doseženo najmanjše število smrtnih žrtev v zgodovini beleženja. Po raziskavah je stopnja prometne varnosti na avtocestah najvišja, kljub temu pa je število smrtnih žrtev še vedno previsoko. Večje kot je število smrtnih žrtev v cestnem prometu, višji so tudi družbeno-ekonomski stroški prometnih nesreč. Dars, d. d., ki je upravljavec in vzdrževalec slovenskih avtocest, veliko sredstev nameni tudi v izboljšanje prometne varnosti. Sem sodijo stroški odprave črnih točk, stroški vodenja prometa ter stroški prometne signalizacije in prometne opreme.

Keywords:prometna varnost, avtoceste, prometne nesreče, stroški
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114410 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.02.2020
ŠTEPEC, Tjaša, 2019, STROŠKI PROMETNE VARNOSTI NA SLOVENSKIH AVTOCESTAH [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

The increasing mobility brings about a greater tendency for road safety that has become a global problem. With the adoption of the National Programme of the Road Traffic Safety in Slovenia, goals, measures and projects were determined, which contributed to a greater road safety. Some of the factors that affect the road safety are road users, vehicles, road infrastructure and the environment; the most important of them all are people. The main goal of road safety is to achieve the Vision Zero, which means eliminating all fatalities and severe injuries of road users. The number of fatalities on Slovenian roads varies, but the lowest number of fatalities in the history of recording was achieved last year. The studies show that the degree of road safety is the highest on motorways; however, the number of fatalities is still too high. The higher the number of fatalities in road traffic, the higher the socio-economic costs of traffic accidents. Dars, the operator and provider of maintenance services for Slovenian motorways, allocates a lot of funds to increase road safety, encompassing the costs of eradication of black spots, the costs of traffic management as well as the costs of traffic signalisation and equipment.

Keywords:road safety, motorways, traffic accidents, costs

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