
Dejavniki vpliva na (ne)uspešnost posvojitve
ID Podbevšek Kališnik, Marija (Author), ID Rener, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali dejavnike vpliva na (ne)uspešnost posvojitve: pripravo na posvojitev, informacije o otroku in strokovno podporo po posvojitvi. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je med najpomembnejšimi varovalnimi dejavniki uspešne posvojitve otroka vsebinsko, časovno in metodološko ustrezno opredeljena priprava na posvojitev. Odgovori intervjuvancev so dali velik pomen informacijam o otroku, ki so pomembne pri odločanju za posvojitev kot tudi za ustrezno odzivanje na otrokove potrebe in odgovore otroku v času oblikovanja njegove lastne identitete. Družina z izkušnjo posvojitve želi, potrebuje in tudi pričakuje pomoč in podporo po posvojitvi ob različnih izzivih, s katerimi se srečuje. Udeleženi v raziskavi so poudarili, da največ pomoči in podpore pričakujejo od programa, kjer so bili v pripravi na posvojitev in kjer predvsem cenijo strokovne nasvete in možnost srečevanja z drugimi socialnimi starši in posvojenimi otroki, sodelovanje s centrom za socialno delo pa vidijo kot zaželeno, predvsem v vlogi posredovalca informacij o biološkem izvoru otroka ter hkrati možnega povezovalca med otrokovo biološko in socialno družino.

Keywords:posvojitev otroka, korist otroka, dejavniki vpliva na (ne)uspešnost posvojitve, priprava na posvojitev otroka, informacije o posvojenem otroku, podpora družini po posvojitvi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114404 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.02.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Factors Affecting (Un)Successful Adoption
This thesis discusses the factors affecting (un)successful adoption: preparation for adoption, information about the child and professional support after the adoption. The research proves that substantive, timely, and methodologically adequate preparation for adoption is one of the most important protective factors for a successful adoption. The interviewees' responses place major importance to the information about the child. This is crucial when making decisions for adoption, as well as when responding to the child's needs and giving answers to the child when he is building his own identity. Adoptive family desires, needs and expects help and support after adoption when facing different challenges. The interviewees emphasized that they expect support mostly from programme that carried out the preparation for adoption. They highly value professional advice and the opportunity to meet other social parents and adopted children. They perceive cooperation with the social work centre as desired especially for the exchange of information regarding the biological origin of the child and for connection between the child's biological and adoptive family.

Keywords:child adoption, benefit for the child, factors affecting (un)successful adoption, preparation for adoption, information about the adopted child, support for the family after the adoption

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