
Predšolski otroci s tveganjem za pojav učnih težav pri matematiki
ID Šuštaršič, Maja (Author), ID Kavkler, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6177/ This link opens in a new window

Dalj časa trajajoče in izrazite matematične učne težave nam lahko v življenje prinesejo številne ovire. Posamezniki, ki se neuspešno spopadajo z njimi, so zaradi slabše matematične pismenosti in pridruženih sekundarnih motenj kot odrasli pogosto težje zaposljivi, dosegajo nižji dohodek in slabšo kakovost življenja. Enega pomembnih ukrepov na tem področju predstavlja zgodnje odkrivanje tveganja za pojav učnih težav pri matematiki in nudenje takojšnje učinkovite podpore in pomoči. Ob predstavitvi kompleksnosti in raznovrstnosti matematičnih učnih težav sem pomen zgodnjega odkrivanja in obravnave v povezavi s področjem otrok s tveganjem za pojav učnih težav pri matematiki izpostavila tudi v tem magistrskem delu. Proučila sem izsledke raziskav o različnih znakih in dejavnikih tveganja. S poudarkom na predšolskem obdobju sem predstavila kontekst vrtca, pristope in pripomočke za zgodnje odkrivanje predšolskih otrok s tveganjem ter koncept zgodnje obravnave. Kot pristop pri iskanju učinkovitih sistemskih rešitev sem opisala večstopenjski model podpore in pomoči »odziv na obravnavo«. Osnovni namen izvedene raziskave je bil odkriti ključne pogoje, ovire in dejavnike pri delu vzgojiteljev za uspešno in učinkovito odkrivanje ter obravnavo otrok s tveganjem za pojav učnih težav pri matematiki v vrtcu, in ugotoviti, kaj vzgojitelji potrebujejo za izboljšanje tega procesa. Ob tem me je zanimalo, katere znake tveganja za pojav učnih težav pri matematiki so vzgojitelji opazili, ali so ob opažanju znakov tveganja ukrepali in kako, ali se razlikujejo v številu opaženih znakov in načinu ukrepanja, kaj bi potrebovali za uspešnejše odkrivanje ter kaj za učinkovitejšo pomoč. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 92 vzgojiteljev iz različnih slovenskih vrtcev z delovnimi izkušnjami z otroki drugega starostnega obdobja. Z Mann-Whitneyjevim testom in deloma t-testom sem pri vzgojiteljih iskala vplive delovne dobe, izkušenj z otroki s posebnimi potrebami s področja matematike, priljubljenosti matematike in vplive različnih stališč do lastne vloge v procesu odkrivanja na število opaženih različnih znakov tveganja za pojav učnih težav pri matematiki. S testom χ2 sem preverila še razlike v načinu ukrepanja ob opažanju znakov tveganja. Rezultati so pokazali, da vzgojitelji najpogosteje opažajo znake tveganja pri pomnjenju časovnih zaporedij ter učenju spretnosti štetja. Ob opažanju znakov v veliki večini ukrepajo. Na opažanje znakov tveganja in na način ukrepanja vplivajo predvsem njihove izkušnje. Vzgojitelji z več delovnimi izkušnjami in več izkušnjami z otroki z odločbo o usmeritvi z najizrazitejšimi matematičnimi težavami so v povprečju opazili več različnih znakov tveganja od vzgojiteljev z manj delovnimi izkušnjami in z manj izkušnjami na področju matematičnih posebnih potreb. Prav tako so se omenjene skupine vzgojiteljev razlikovale v načinu ukrepanja. Glede na priljubljenost matematike in stališče do lastne vloge v procesu odkrivanja se razlike med vzgojitelji niso pokazale. Vzgojitelji bi za uspešnejše odkrivanje in učinkovitejšo pomoč otrokom s tveganjem potrebovali predvsem boljše organizacijske pogoje, več specifičnega znanja s področja zgodnjih matematičnih spretnosti in znanj ter konkreten model podpore in pomoči, na katerega bi se lahko naslonili. V zaključku sem na podlagi teh rezultatov in podatkov iz teoretičnega dela zasnovala večstopenjski model podpore in pomoči za otroke s tveganjem za pojav učnih težav pri matematiki, ki bi ga bilo mogoče vpeljati v sistem slovenske vzgoje in izobraževanja. Predstavlja način za spodbujanje zgodnjih matematičnih spretnosti in znanj za vse otroke v vrtcu.

Keywords:učne težave pri matematiki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114399 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12809545 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.03.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Preschool children at risk for learning difficulties in mathematics
Long-term and pronounced mathematical learning difficulties can bring many obstacles into our lives. Individuals who fail to cope with them are often more difficult to employ as a result of poor mathematical literacy and associated secondary disorders. As adults, they have lower income and poorer quality of life. Two important measures in this field are early risk identification of developing mathematical learning difficulties and provision of immediate effective support. In this master's thesis, I present the complexity and diversity of mathematical learning difficulties, as well as highlight the importance of early identification and intervention for at-risk children. To do so, I examined research findings on various risk signs and factors. By focusing on the preschool period, I introduce the kindergarten context, approaches and tools for early identification used with preschool children at risk for learning difficulties in mathematics and the concept of early intervention. I describe a multi-level intervention model “response to intervention” as an approach to finding effective system-wide solutions. The main purpose of the survey was to identify key conditions, obstacles and factors in the work of preschool educators for successful and effective early identification and intervention for children at risk for mathematical learning difficulties in kindergarten. In addition, I wanted to establish what the preschool educators need to do to improve this process. I was interested in what risk signs for developing mathematical learning difficulties preschool educators observed, whether and how they intervened upon detecting them and what they might need for more successful identification and intervention. The survey involved 92 preschool educators from different Slovenian kindergartens who had work experience with children from the second age group. By using the Mann-Whitney test and partly the t-test, I explored the effects of service length, experience with children with special needs in mathematics, the popularity of mathematics, as well as the influence of different attitudes towards one’s own role in the process of early identification on the number of different observed risk signs for developing mathematical learning difficulties. With the χ2 test, I examined the differences in their intervention upon discovering risk signs. The results show that preschool educators most frequently observed risk signs associated with memorising time sequences and learning counting skills. The vast majority of preschool educators intervened upon discovering risk signs. Their observation of risk signs and the manner of their intervention were primarily influenced by their experiences. On average, preschool educators with more work experience and more experience with children with special needs who had the most pronounced difficulties in mathematics noticed more different risk signs than preschool educators with less work experience and less experience with mathematical special needs. Moreover, the two groups of preschool educators differed in the way they intervened upon discovering risk signs. However, as regards the popularity of mathematics and the attitude towards their own role in the process of early identification, no differences were registered between the two groups of preschool educators. In order to be more successful in identifying and helping children at risk more effectively, preschool educators would, in particular, need better organisational conditions, more specific knowledge on early mathematical skills, as well as a concrete model of support and assistance to rely on. Based on these results and the data from the theoretical part of the thesis, I designed a multi-level intervention model for children at risk for learning difficulties in mathematics, which could be introduced into the Slovenian education system, as it represents a way to promote acquiring early mathematical skills and knowledge for all children in kindergarten.

Keywords:learning difficulties in mathematics

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