
Sodobni razvoj blokovskih stanovanjskih sosesk v Ljubljani na primeru Nove Fužine in Trnovski pristan
ID Peček, Luka (Author), ID Rebernik, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zaključni nalogi z naslovom Sodobni razvoj blokovskih stanovanjskih sosesk v Ljubljani na primeru Novih Fužin in Trnovskega pristana bom opisal nastanek stanovanjskih blokovskih sosesk na splošno. Podatki, ki sem jih uporabil v nalogi, so iz relevantne teorije in sem jih v nalogi primerjal z izsledki ankete. V nalogi sem obravnaval dve soseski v Ljubljani, in sicer Trnovski pristan in Nove Fužine. V teoriji in v izsledkih analize sem opisal in analiziral probleme in navedel rešitve glede stanovanjske politike v omenjenih stanovanjskih soseskah in ju primerjal med seboj. Kot metodo raziskovanja sem uporabil anketo, ki sem jo izvedel deloma na terenu, deloma pa kot spletno anketo. Oddanih in obdelanih je bilo 80 anket. Postavil sem hipotezo, da je soseska Trnovski pristan za bivanje primernejša in se bolj razvija kot Nove Fužine, analiza podatkov pa je pokazala, da to le delno drži in da sta si obe v svojem razvoju v resnici zelo blizu. Na koncu naloge bom predstavil rešitve za najbolj žgoče težave. Najizrazitejši problemi so: hrup, premalo parkirnih prostorov, nekakovostna gradnja blokov, onesnažen zrak, nekatere vrste kriminala (vlamljanje v avtomobile) in pomanjkanje kulturnih ustanov. Rešitev je intenzivnejše ukvarjanje upraviteljev sosesk, stanovalcev in Mestne občine Ljubljana s ključnimi in najbolj izpostavljenimi težavami.

Keywords:razvoj sosesk, analiza sosesk, problemi sosesk, primerjava sosesk.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114366 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.02.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Modern development of block housing estates in Ljubljana in the case of Nove Fužine and Trnovski pristan
In the final seminar work with the title Modern development of block housing estates in Ljubljana in the case of Nove Fužine and Trnovski pristan there is a description of historical and contemporary development of housing estates of Nove Fužine and Trnovski pristan. The data used in the final seminar work are derived from the relevant theory and compared with the results of the survey. The identified problems are described and analyzed. The solutions are given and described in the comparative manner. As a research method the survey was used partly on the field and partly as an internet survey. There were 80 surveys collected. The hypothesis was that the housing estate Trnovski pristan is more suitable and more developed than the other. But the analysis showed that this is only partially true and that they are very close together in development. At the end the main problems and solutions are presented. The most relevant problems are: noise, parking problems, poor quality of construction work, air pollution and different criminal activity such as car burglary and lack of cultural centers. The solution to the problems is a more active work of housing management, Ljubljana municipality and apartment owners or residents.

Keywords:the development of housing estates, the analysis of housing estates, problems of housing estates, the comparison of the housing estates.

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