
Vpliv zasnove transparentnega stavbnega ovoja na energijsko bilanco stavbe ter kvaliteto notranjega toplotnega in svetlobnega okolja : magistrsko delo
ID Hribar, Blaž (Author), ID Košir, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je na modelu arhetipske skupinske pisarne, locirane v Ljubljani, predstavljena analiza različnih parametrov za načrtovanje učinkovitih transparentnih površin. Cilj je bil prepoznati kako posamezni parametri vplivajo na rabo energije (ogrevanje, hlajenje in razsvetljavo), osvetljenost z dnevno svetlobo in na kvaliteto notranjega toplotnega okolja ter poiskati optimalne vrednosti posameznih parametrov za določene robne pogoje. Analiza načrtovanja transparentnih površin je bila izvedena s pomočjo računalniških simulacij izvedenih s programoma EnergyPlus in Parametric Analysis Tool, kjer smo najprej preverili vpliv lastnosti transparentnih površin (LT, g in Ug). Nato smo na podlagi podatkov različnih proizvajalcev pripravili 14 različnih zasnov zasteklitev, ki smo jih analizirali z in brez uporabe senčil. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako prižiganje luči v linijah po globini prostora vpliva na rabo električne energije za razsvetljavo. Vse primere smo simulirali pri različnih orientacijah zasteklitev (jug, sever, vzhod in zahod), pri enajstih različnih velikostih zasteklitev in različnih oblikah prostora. Rezultate in primerjavo le-teh smo zaradi obsega predstavili v štirih sklopih. V prvem sklopu je s pomočjo opazovanja rabe energije za ogrevanje, hlajenje, razsvetljavo in celotne rabe energije za delovanje pisarne, predstavljena energijska učinkovitost posameznih variant. V drugem sklopu je s pomočjo opazovanja treh metrik dnevne svetlobe (DA, cDA in UDI) ovrednotena kvaliteta osvetljenosti obravnavanega prostora z dnevno svetlobo. V tretjem sklopu so prikazani rezultati o notranjem toplotnem udobju. Tu smo spremljali notranjo temperaturo zraka in notranjo operativno temperaturo. V zadnjem sklopu je s pomočjo rezultatov o prepuščeni toploti skozi okna ovrednoten vpliv oziroma učinkovitost senčil. Na podlagi rezultatov analize rabe energije, vizualnih pogojev in kvalitete notranjega toplotnega okolja smo izpostavili optimizirane konfiguracije za posamezno orientacijo, obliko prostora in področje obravnave. Ugotovili smo, da toplotnozaščitna okna s troslojno zasteklitvijo niso vedno najboljša izbira. S stališča preprečevanja pregrevanja so se pri zelo velikih transparentnih površinah solarnozaščitna okna z dvoslojno zasteklitvijo izkazala kot učinkovitejša. Z uvedbo prižiganja luči v linijah po globini prostora, lahko zmanjšamo rabo električne energije za razsvetljavo tudi za več kot 60 %. S primerno načrtovanimi senčili pa lahko izboljšamo kvaliteto notranjega svetlobnega okolja, tako da zmanjšamo previsoko osvetljenost v prostoru, ki se nahaja tik ob zunanjih transparentnih površinah.

Keywords:transparentne površine, energijska učinkovitost, toplotno okolje, svetlobno okolje, uporabna dnevna osvetljenost (UDI)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[B. Hribar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114236 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15552771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.02.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of the design of a transparent building envelope on the energy balance of a building and the quality of the internal thermal and visual environment : master thesis
This Master’s thesis presents the analysis of different parameters connected to design of efficient transparent surfaces of a building. The analysis was performed on an archetypal communal office located in Ljubljana. The goal of the analysis was to understand the effect that individual parameters have on energy consumption of the building (heating, cooling and lighting), daylight illuminance and quality of the indoor thermal environment, and to determine the optimal values of the individual parameters for the given boundary conditions. The analysis of the transparent surface design was based on the computer simulations with programs EnegyPlus and Parametric Analysis Tool, where we first evaluated the effects and properties of transparent surfaces (LT, g and Ug). Next, we prepared 14 different glazing configurations, which were based on different commercially available windows, and analysed them with or without blinds. We also investigated how switching the lights on in lines, parallel to the transparent area, affects the lighting energy consumption. We simulated all of the configurations for 4 different orientations of the transparent surface (south, north, east, west), 11 different transparent surface sizes, and different shapes of the room. The results are divided into four sections. The first section presents the energy efficiency of different configurations through energy consumption for heating, cooling, lighting, and total energy consumption. The second section focuses on three daylight metrics (DA, cDA and UDI) to evaluate the quality of the daylight illuminance in the given space. The third section presents the results connected to the indoor thermal environment, where we track air temperature and operative temperature. And the fourth section evaluates the influence and efficiency of the blinds, based on the window heat addition. We took the results of the energy consumption analysis, visual conditions and quality of the indoor thermal environment, and determine the optimal configurations for different orientation, room shape and the area of interest. We found that the thermal insulating triple glazed windows are not always the optimal choice. From the perspective of overheating prevention, solar control double glazed windows proved to be a better choice for large transparent surfaces. Selective light switching in lines paralel to transparent surfaces reduced lighting energy consumption for more than 60 %, and carefully designed blinds can improve the quality of the indoor visual environment by reducing the high level illuminance of the area next to transparent surfaces.

Keywords:transparent surfaces, energy efficiency, thermal environment, visual environment, Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI)

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