
Delovnoterapevtske strategije za podporo osebam z multiplo sklerozo v delovnem okolju : diplomsko delo
ID Blatnik, Janja (Author), ID Švajger, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Galof, Katarina (Comentor), ID Sicherl, Zorana (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Multipla skleroza je napredujoča bolezen, ki se najpogosteje pojavi pri ženskah. Vpliva na vsa področja človekovega delovanja pri izvajanju vsakodnevnih aktivnosti na področju skrbi zase, prostega časa in dela. Delo je ena izmed pomembnih dejavnosti v življenju oseb, omogoča jim finančno varnost, občutek varnosti in zaščite. Osebe z multiplo sklerozo delovno mesto v večini primerov zapustijo tri leta po postavljeni diagnozi. V okviru poklicne rehabilitacije strokovnjaki s svojim znanjem in strategijami za obvladovanje simptomov in prilagoditvijo delovnega mesta omogočajo osebam, da čim dlje ostanejo na svojem delovnem mestu. Namen: Želeli smo ugotoviti, kakšne so delovnoterapevtske strategije za podporo osebam z multiplo sklerozo v delovnem okolju. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila kvalitativna metoda raziskovanja s sistematičnim pregledom literature v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku, ki je bila objavljena med letoma 2009 do 2019. V pregledu je bilo podrobno pregledanih in analiziranih 7 člankov. Rezultati: Delovnoterapevtske strategije pri osebah z multiplo sklerozo so usmerjene na dve ravni: raven obvladovanja simptomov in raven izvajanja dela v delovnem okolju ter prilagoditev različnih vidikov le-tega. Razprava in zaključek: Delovnoterapevtske vloge in strategije pri osebah z multiplo sklerozo v delovnem okolju so: podpora pri obvladovanju simptomov bolezni (ocenjevanje, kako se fizični, kognitivni, čustveni in socialni vidiki zaposlenega ujemajo z zahtevami njegovih delovnih nalog in delovnega okolja); ukrepi na delovnem mestu (analiza in ovrednotenje delovnega mesta, ocena delovnega okolja, svetovanje delodajalcu o ustreznih prilagoditvah, opredelitev delovnih nalog, ki jih oseba lahko samostojno opravlja); pomen zgodnje obravnave (delovni terapevt na začetnem intervjuju osebe z multiplo sklerozo o njihovih težavah sprašuje na način, da jih spodbuja k razmišljanju o vplivu simptomov multiple skleroze na delo) ter podpora pri prehodu v upokojitev (oblikovanje načrta za prenehanje dela, spodbujanje vzdrževanja socialnih odnosov v širši družbi.). Delovni terapevt s svojim strokovnim znanjem omogoča osebam z multiplo sklerozo, da so čimbolj samostojne in učinkovite pri izvajanju delovnih nalog, mobilnosti na delovnem mestu in pri mobilnosti na delovno mesto. Potrebne so nadaljnje raziskave na večjih vzorcih, ki bi natančneje potrdile pridobljene rezultate.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, multipla skleroza, poklicna rehabilitacija, vračanje na delo, delovna mesta
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Blatnik]
Number of pages:35 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114111 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5779563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.02.2020
BLATNIK, Janja, 2020, Delovnoterapevtske strategije za podporo osebam z multiplo sklerozo v delovnem okolju : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : J. Blatnik. [Accessed 22 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Occupational therapy strategies to support persons with multiple sclerosis in work environment : diploma work
Introduction: Multiple sclerosis is a progressive disease most commonly affecting women. It influences all areas of human activity related to self-care, leisure and work. Work is one of the important activities in a person's life, enabling them financial security, a sense of security and protection. In most cases, people with multiple sclerosis leave their jobs three years after being diagnosed. In the context of vocational rehabilitation professionals, through their knowledge and strategies for managing symptoms and adjusting their workplace, enable people to stay in their workplace for as long as possible. Aim: Our intention was to find out different occupational therapy strategies to support people with multiple sclerosis in their work environment. Methodology: A qualitative research method was used with a systematic review of literature in Slovene or English language published from 2009 to 2019. 7 articles were reviewed and analysed in detail. Results: Occupational therapy strategies designed for people with multiple sclerosis are focused on two levels: the level of symptom management and the level of work performance within the working environment and adaptation of different aspects of it. Discussion and conclusion: Occupational therapy roles and strategies for people with multiple sclerosis within the work environment include: support at symptom management (assessing if employee’s physical, cognitive, emotional and social aspects match the requirements of his or her work tasks and work environment); workplace measurements (analysis and evaluation of the workplace, evaluation of the work environment, advising the employer on appropriate adjustments, defining work tasks that person can perform independently); importance of early treatment (at the initial interview occupational therapist asks persons with multiple sclerosis about their impairments in a manner to encourage the individual to think about the way MS symptoms influence its work) and support in the transition to retirement (creating a plan for termination of work activities, encouraging maintaining social relationships within a wider society). With their professional knowledge occupational therapists enable people with MS to stay independent and effective at executing work tasks for as long as possible. They enable them to stay mobile for a longer period on the workplace and also independent in commuting to and from work. Further research is needed on larger samples to accurately confirm obtained results.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, multiple sclerosis, vocational rehabilitation, returning to work, workplaces

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