
Vloga in pristojnosti mednarodne skupnosti pri varstvu kulturne dediščine v primeru (internacionaliziranih) notranjih oboroženih spopadov : magistrsko delo
ID Jazbinšek, Anja (Author), ID Roter, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namerno uničevanje kulturnih dobrin ter plenjenje in obsežno izkopavanje kulturnih predmetov so različni načini ogrožanja kulturne dediščine v oboroženih spopadih. Čeprav je do konca 20. stoletja obveljal obsežen režim mednarodnopravnega varstva kulturnih dobrin v oboroženih spopadih, so mednarodni akterji šele po izbruhu nedavnih oboroženih spopadov na Bližnjem vzhodu in v severni Afriki prepoznali povezavo med grožnjami kulturni dediščini in ohranjanjem mednarodnega miru in varnosti. Magistrsko delo preučuje vlogo in pristojnosti mednarodnih globalnih organizacij in posameznih držav pri varstvu kulturne dediščine v (internacionaliziranih) notranjih oboroženih spopadih. Ugotovitve kažejo, da ima mednarodna skupnost, kljub splošnemu odobravanju ideje o skupni dediščini človeštva in kljub sekuritizaciji vprašanja, pri varstvu sekundarno vlogo. Obstoječi mednarodni režim varstva določa, da nacionalne države ohranijo suverenost pri odločanju o zaščiti kulturnih dobrin, hkrati pa ohranijo tudi primarno pristojnost za pregon oseb, osumljenih kaznivih dejanj proti kulturni dediščini. Vsakršno posredovanje, prispevanje tehnične ali finančne pomoči za varstvo kulturnih dobrin s strani zunanjih akterjev torej zahteva soglasje zadevne oblasti, ki izvaja učinkovit nadzor nad ozemljem, kjer se dobrina nahaja. Proces sekuritizacije je nekoliko razširil pristojnosti mednarodne skupnosti, vendar je njena vloga še vedno omejena z načeli suverenosti in nevmešavanjem v notranje zadeve.

Keywords:mednarodna skupnost, internacionalizirani notranji oboroženi spopadi, varstvo kulturnih dobrin, mednarodno kazensko pravosodje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Jazbinšek]
Number of pages:103 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114109 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36620637 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.02.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The role and jurisdictions of the international community in the protection of cultural heritage in the event of (internationalised) internal armed conflicts
Intentional destruction, pillaging and wild-scale looting of cultural property are various ways in which cultural heritage can be harmed in the event of armed conflict. By the end of 20th century, a comprehensive international legal regime for the protection of cultural property in armed conflicts was already in place, however it was the recent armed conflicts in the Middle East and Northern Africa that brought considerable attention of the international actors to the link between threats to cultural heritage and the maintenance of international peace and security. This Master's thesis examines the role and jurisdictions of the international global organisations and individual states in the protection of cultural heritage in the event of (internationalised) internal armed conflicts. Paper concludes that international community, despite the general approval of the idea of common heritage of mankind, and, the securitisation of the question, takes on a secondary role in the protection. Existing international legal regime stipulates that nation states retain sovereign right in decisions on how to protect cultural heritage, as well as the primary jurisdiction for the prosecution of criminal offences against cultural property. Any foreign intervention or contribution of technical and financial aid for the protection of cultural property requires a consensus from the authority that holds effective control over the location of the property. The process of securitisation has, at least to a certain extent, widened its jurisdictions; however, the role of international community is still limited by the principles of national sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs.

Keywords:international community, internationalised internal armed conflicts, protection of cultural property, international criminal justice

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