
ID Zrim, Damijan (Author), ID Ajlec, Kornelija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Posledice druge svetovne vojne so evropskemu kontinentu prinesle spremembe, ki so vidne še danes. Poraz nacionalsocialistične Nemčije je vodil v delitev evropskega prostora med štiri zaveznike, ki so v povojnih letih vodili v blokovsko delitev sveta, torej na komunistični vzhod in demokratični zahod. Marshallov načrt in Severnoatlantska zveza (NATO) sta zahodno evropskim državam prinesle stabilnost in hiter gospodarski razvoj, kar je v vzhodnem bloku sprožilo kontra reakcijo z ustanovitvijo Varšavskega pakta. Geostrateška situacija je kljub začetnemu nezaupanju do Zvezne republike Nemčije sprožila oblikovanje skupnega trga za premog in jeklo, ki pa se je kasneje izkazalo kot zelo uspešno. Sledila je nadaljnja integracija v smeri gospodarskega sodelovanja in širjenja števila članic prvotne šesterice. Hladna vojna med obema blokoma se je ob koncu šestdesetih let nekoliko umirila in kasneje je prišlo do podpisa pogodb z Varšavo in Moskvo o večstranskem sodelovanju. Ponovno zaostrovanje je sledilo v začetku osemdesetih, ko se je ponovno odprla tekma za oboroževanje in izkazovanje moči, kar je na koncu vodilo do propada Sovjetske zveze. Evropske skupnosti so ta nestabilni čas izkoristile s pridobitvijo novih članic in zavzemanjem za še tesnejše sodelovanje. Gorbačov je narodom vzhodnega bloka prepustil samoodločbo, kar je vodilo do demokratizacije in združitve obeh Nemčij.

Keywords:Evropske skupnosti, Hladna vojna, Nemčija, Vzhod, Zahod
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114105 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.02.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Connecting Europe – The German Question
The consequences of the Second World War have changed the landscape of the European continent to an extent that is still visible today. The defeat of Nazi Germany resulted in a division of the European area between four allied factions, which consequently led to the bloc division of the world - into the Communist East and the Democratic West. The Marshall Plan and the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) brought stability and rapid economic development to the Western European countries, triggering a counter reaction in the Eastern Bloc with the establishment of the Warsaw Pact. This geostrategic situation, despite the initial distrust towards the Federal Republic of Germany, led to the establishment of a common market for coal and steel, which later proved to be very successful. Further integration was aimed towards economic cooperation and expansion of the original six member states. The Cold War between the two blocs calmed down somewhat by the end of the 1960s and later multilateral co-operation agreements were signed with Warsaw and Moscow. The exacerbation of the situation followed in the early 1980s, when the arms and power race reopened, eventually leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union. This volatile time was used by the European communities to attract new members and to pursue even closer integration. Gorbachev allowed the nations of the Eastern bloc to decide on their own fate, which led to the democratization and unification of the two Germanies.

Keywords:European communities, Cold War, Germany, East, West

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