
Lastnosti laminatov za avtomobilske sedeže
ID Batič, Eva (Author), ID Šajn Gorjanc, Dunja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru diplomske naloge smo primerjali enajst različnih laminatov, od tega osem dvoslojnih in tri trislojne. Razlikujejo se po licni strani laminata (pletivo, netkana tekstilija), gostoti, debelini pene in posebnih lastnostih (večja zračna prepustnost in pene z nizkimi emisijami hlapnih organskih spojin). Glede na različne vrste laminatov se pri izdelavi uporabljajo tudi različni postopki laminiranja, kot so hot-melt, plamenska laminacija in laminiranje s prahom. Namen diplomskega dela je primerjava laminatov raznih struktur za avtomobilske sedeže, ki so izdelani z različnimi postopki laminacije, ter ugotoviti, katera kombinacija oziroma struktura laminata je najbolj optimalna za avtomobilski sedež. Izmerjene lastnosti analiziranih laminatov so odpornost proti drgnjenju najmanj 1.000 do največ 36.000 obratov, potrebnih za pretrg, ognjevarnost – samougasnost do druge oznake ali do prve oznake, prepustnost vodne pare – najnižja vrednost 59,17 gm-2h-1 in največja vrednost 89,35 gm-2h-1, zračna prepustnost – od 0,901 m3/m2min do 21,181 m3/m2min, pretržna sila – od 39,27 N do 155,35 N, pretržni raztezek – od 40,29 % do 152,02 %, toplotna prevodnost – od 0,082 Wm-1K-1 do 0,173 W m-1K-1, razslojevanje – v vzdolžni smeri najmanj 3,34 N in največ 9,88 N ter v prečni smeri – od 3,29 N do 8,39 N, ploščinska masa – od 168 g/m2 do 660 g/m2 in debelina – med 2,165 mm in 10,323 mm. Na preiskane lastnosti laminatov ne vplivata gostota in debelina pene, saj so si rezultati ne glede na razlike v peni precej podobni. Netkane tekstilije niso najbolj primerne kot druga komponenta laminata, ker so manj obstojne ob drgnjenju in imajo slabšo natezno trdnost. Laminati s pletivom imajo dobro odpornost ob drgnjenju, visoko zračno prepustnost in prepustnost vodne pare. So samougasni do prve ali druge oznake, kar pomeni, da od začetka vžiga zgorijo največ 50 mm. Trislojni laminati imajo slabšo toplotno prevodnost in zračno prepustnost kot dvoslojni laminati.

Keywords:razvoj avtomobilskega sedeža, vlakna, tekstilni materiali, procesi laminiranja, lastnosti laminatov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-114096 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.02.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Characteristics of laminates for car seats
Within the framework of the bachelor’s thesis, we compared eleven different laminates, of which eight were two-layered and three three-layered. They are distinguished by their front side (knitwear or non-wovens), density, foam thickness, and special properties (higher air permeability or low-volatile organic compound). Depending on the different types of laminates, different laminating processes were used, such as hot melt, flame lamination, and powder laminating. The purpose of the bachelor’s thesis is to find which combination of the laminate structure is the most optimal for a car seat and with what laminating process it is made of. Measured properties of the laminates we analyzed are abrasion resistance from 1,000 turns to a maximum of 36,000 turns, fire resistance to second mark or to the first mark, water vapor transmission – the lowest value 59.17 gm-²h-1 and maximum value 89.35 gm-²h-1, air permeability – from 0.901 m³/m²min to 21.181 m³/m²min, breaking force – from 39.27 N to 155.35 N, tensile displacement – from 40.29% to 152.02%, thermal conductivity – 0.082 Wm-1K-1 to 0.173 W m-1K-1, layering – in the longitudinal direction 3.34 N, maximum 9.88 N, and in the exact direction 3.29 N up to 8.39 N, surface mass – from 168 g/m² to 660 g/m² in thickness – between 2.165 mm at 10.323 mm. The investigated properties of the laminates are not influenced by the density and the foam thickness since the results are similar with all foam types. Non-woven textiles are not the best option to choose as the second component because they do not have good results at the abrasion resistance and tensile strength. Laminates with a knitted second compound have good abrasion resistance, high air permeability, and water vapor permeability. They are self-extinguishing to the first or the second mark, which means that they burn a maximum of 50 mm from the start of the ignition. Three-layered laminates have less of thermal conductivity and air-permeability than two-layered laminates.

Keywords:development of car seats, fibers, textile materials, laminating processes, characteristics of laminates

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