
Oblikovni učinek kopolimerov benzoksazina in epoksidnih smol
ID Slak, Jernej (Author), ID Ručigaj, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Benzoksazinske in epoksidne smole spadajo v razred duromerov in imajo odlične mehanske, termične in kemijske lastnosti. Široko področje uporabe le teh smol se poveča z inkorporacijo teh dveh smol v en skupen polimer. Polimerni kompozit izkazuje izboljšane termične in mehanske lastnosti, hkrati pa izkaže tudi unikatne lastnosti na področju polimerov z oblikovnim učinkom, kot so izjemne vrednosti parametrov zadržane oblike, razmerje povrnitve oblike, povrnitvena napetost in hitrost povrnitve oblike. Uporaba benzoksazinske smole kot edino zamreževalno sredstvo v epoksi smolah se izkaže za dobro rešitev, saj se s tem poviša zamreženost polimera, temperatura steklastega prehoda, upogibna trdnost in elastični modul. Ta polimerni kompozit se največkrat uporablja kot material v biomedicini, vesoljstvu, tekstilski industriji in pri strukturnih materialih ter predstavlja nove izzive za raziskave na tem področju. Polimeri in polimerni kompoziti z oblikovnim učinkom predstavljajo svetlo prihodnost tudi pri odkrivanju novih aplikacij na področju biokompatibilnih materialov.

Keywords:benzoksazin, epoksi, oblikovni učinek, mehanske lastnosti, pametni polimeri
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113806 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538523331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.02.2020
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Title:Shape memory effect of benzoxazine-epoxy copolymers
Benzoxazine and epoxy resins belong to the class of thermosets and have excellent mechanical, thermal and chemical properties. Broad application field of these resins is increased by incorporating these two resins into one polymer. Polymer composite shows improved thermal and mechanical properties while also exhibiting unique properties in the field of shape memory polymers such as shape fixity, shape recovery ratio, recovery stress and shape recovery rate. The usage of benzoxazine resins, as sole cross-linking agent in epoxy resins, proves to be a good solution as it increases cross-linking density, glass transition temperature, flexural strength and storage modulus. This polymer composite is most commonly used as a material in biomedicine, aerospace engineering, textile industry, as a structural material and it presents new challenges for future research in this field. Polymers and polymer composites with shape memory effects represent a bright future in the discovery of new applications also in bio-compatible materials field.

Keywords:benzoxazine, epoxy, shape memory, mechanical properties, smart polymers

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