
Udar strele in zdravstvena obravnava pacienta : diplomsko delo
ID Buzuk, Santini (Author), ID Djekić, Bernarda (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Beguš, Goranka (Comentor)

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Uvod: Strela kot naravni pojav lahko na različne načine poškoduje posameznika in povzroči širok spekter poškodb, ki so lahko smrtno nevarne. Incidenca udarov strel po svetu je različna, na kar vpliva samo podnebje. Umrljivost zaradi strele je nizka, vendar so posledice udara lahko dolgotrajne in pomembno vplivajo na življenje poškodovanca. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti zdravstveno obravnavo pacientov, ki so doživeli udar strele. Prikazati smo želeli, kakšne poškodbe lahko povzroči strela na telesu, ter izpostaviti vlogo medicinske sestre. Metode dela: Pri pregledu strokovne in znanstvene literature, ki je bila iskana v podatkovnih bazah CINAHL, Medline, Science Direct in Academic Search Complete, je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela. Iskanje literature je potekalo s pomočjo ključnih besed: strela, poškodbe zaradi udara strele, zaščita pred udarom strele, prva pomoč, zdravstvena obravnava in medicinska sestra. Rezultati: Udar strele pri poškodovancih povzroči različne poškodbe na organih in organskih sistemih, predvsem na kardiovaskularnem sistemu, koži, živčnem sistemu, ledvicah, mišično skeletnem sistemu, očeh in ušesih ter na dihalnem sistemu. Pri udaru strele lahko pride do življenje ogrožajočih sprememb srčnega ritma, ki potrebujejo pravilno ukrepanje že takoj na terenu. Zelo pogoste so tudi opekline, za udar strele so predvsem znane Lichtenberške podobe. Električni tok zelo poškoduje živčni sistem. Pomembna je pravočasna in pravilna prva pomoč ter nujna medicinska pomoč ob samem prihodu reševalcev kot tudi nadaljnje spremljanje in podpora v bolnišnici. Razprava in zaključek: Poškodovanci po udaru strele potrebujejo multidisciplinarno obravnavo. Zaradi možnosti nastanka nevarnih motenj ritma in drugih življenje ogrožajočih poškodb bi morali biti poškodovanci sprejet v bolnišnico. Pogosto je potrebna hospitalizacija v enoti intenzivnega zdravljenja, kjer ima pomembno vlogo medicinska sestra, ki skrbi za zadovoljevanje tako fizioloških kot tudi psiholoških potreb. Medicinska sestra ne sme pozabiti na pacientove najbližje ter se povezati tudi z ostalimi zdravstvenimi delavci, ki pripomorejo h kakovostni ter varni zdravstveni obravnavi in hitri rehabilitaciji. Ugotavlja se tudi, da bi bilo potrebno izdelati protokol obravnave poškodovanca z udarom strele.

Keywords:mehanizmi in vrste poškodb zaradi udara strele, zaščita pred udarom strele, prva pomoč, nujna medicinska pomoč, enota intenzivnega zdravljenja, zdravstvena nega
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113782 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5776235 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.02.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Lightning strike and patient medical treatment : diploma work
Introduction: Lightning strikes can harm an individual in many ways and can cause a variety of injuries, even lethal. Incidences of lightning strikes varies throughout the world and depends mostly on the climate. Although mortality due to lightning stroke is low, its effects can be long-lasting and can significantly affect a person's life. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma thesis is to present treatment of patients who survived a lightning strike. The aim is to present different types of bodily injuries due to lightning strikes and to focus on the nurse’s part in the treatment of aforementioned patients. Methods: Descriptive method was used with an overview of technical literature and scientific researches found in the databases CINAHL, Medline, Science Direct and Academic Search Complete. Search of the literature was made with the help of key words: lightning strike, lightning strike injury, lightning strike protection, first aid, treatment and nurse. The results: Lightning strike in an injured person causes different organ and organ system trauma; it especially affects the cardiovascular system, skin, nervous system, kidneys, muscle-skeleton system, eyes, ears and respiratory system. A lightning strike can cause life threatening changes in the heart rate that requires appropriate measures on the field already. Burns are common and lightning strike causes typical Lichenberg appearance. The electric current causes significant damage to the nervous system. The key is timely and appropriate medical aid and emergency medical assistance on the field and further support and hospital treatment. Discussion and conclusion: After a lightning strike, multidisciplinary treatment is required. Due to the possibility of developing changes in heart rate and other life-threatening trauma, injured persons should be accepted to the hospital. Hospitalisation in the intensive care unit is often necessary; here, the nurse plays an important role in taking care of the patient's physiological and psychological needs. The nurse should keep in mind the patient’s relatives and should connect with other health care workers who aid in quality and safe medical treatment and fast rehabilitation. The protocol for treating injured patients due to lightning strike needs to be established.

Keywords:mechanism and types of trauma due to lightning strike, lightning strike protection, first aid, emergency medical assistance, intensive care unit, health care

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