
Povezava sušnih kazalnikov z meritvami vodne bilance v tleh : magistrsko delo
ID Ščukovt, Žiga (Author), ID Šraj, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kobold, Mira (Comentor)

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Suša je kompleksen pojav, povezan s pomanjkanjem vode. V splošnem lahko s stališča pomanjkanja vode govorimo o meteorološki in hidrološki suši, v zadnjem obdobju pa se suši vedno pogosteje pripisuje tudi ekonomsko-sociološki vidik in s tem povezano kmetijsko sušo. Z naraščanjem trenda pojava suš naraščajo dogodki, pri katerih meteorološka suša preide v kmetijsko, slednja pa v hidrološko. Tako pri kmetijski kot tudi hidrološki suši pa nastajajo negativne ekonomske posledice, kot so zmanjšanje pridelka oz. omejevanje rabe vode. Ob upoštevanju zgoraj navedenega se zdi raziskovanje možnosti napovedovanja suše nujno, saj bi ob dobrem sistemu alarmiranja, opozarjanja ter s hkratno uporabo omiljevalnih ukrepov lahko znatno zmanjšali negativne posledice sušnih dogodkov. V nalogi smo z namenom vzpostavitve možnosti napovedi sušnih dogodkov povezovali sušne in hidrološke indekse SPI (Standardiziran indeks pretoka), SSI (Standardiziran indeks pretoka), NDVI (Normaliziran indeks vegetacije), SWI (Kazalnik vlažnosti tal), SWD (Kazalnik pomanjkanja vode v tleh) z merjenimi spremenljivkami vodne bilance v tleh VT (Voda v tleh), VB (Vode bilance) in AVB (Agronomska vodna bilanca). Pokazali smo, da imajo obravnavani indeksi med seboj precej visoke korelacijske koeficiente. Izkazala se je pomembnost pokritosti območja z zadostnim številom meteoroloških in hidroloških postaj za opazovanje vodnobilančnega kroga in določitve merodajnega n-mesečnega indeksa SPI porečja. Pri pregledu povezav daljinsko zaznanih indeksov z lokalno merjenimi spremenljivkami vodne bilance v tleh se pokažejo značilni vzorci sosledij in časovnih zamikov obravnavanih spremenljivk. Iz danih ugotovitev smo lahko zastavili predlagano shemo za začetek opazovanja in ovrednotenja splošnega razvoja suše na obravnavanih lokacijah.

Keywords:suša, sušni indeksi, meteorološka suša, hidrološka suša, vodna bilanca, voda v tleh, SPI, SSI, NDVI, SWI, SWD
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[Ž. Ščukovt]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113732 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15580419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.01.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of drought indicators with measurements of water balance in soil : master thesis
Drought is a complex natural hazard connected with the lack of water. In terms of the lack of water two types of drought can be identified, namely meteorological and hydrological drought. Recently, an economic and sociological aspect have been increasingly attributed to drought. leading to the agricultural drought. With the increasing trend of drought occurrences also the cases in which meteorological drought turns into agricultural and later into hydrological drought increase. Both agricultural and hydrological droughts have negative economic consequences, such as crop reductions and limiting water use.. In the light of the above, exploring the possibility of drought forecasting seems necessary, since a good alarm system, warning and using restraining precautions could significantly reduce the negative effects of drought events. In order to establish the possibility of forecasting drought events, we have linked drought and hydrological indexes; SPI (Standard Precipitation Index), SSI (Standard Streamflow Index), NDVI (Normalized Drought Vegetation Index); SWI (Soil Water Index), SWD (Soil Water Deficit), with measured variables of water balance in upper soil VT (Soil Water), VB (Water Balance), AVB (Agricultural Water Balance). We have shown that considered drought indexes have high correlation coefficients among each other. The importance of covering the area with a sufficient number of meteorological and hydrological stations for monitoring the water balance and determining the relevant basin n-monthly SPI was demonstrated.. When examining the connection of remotely sensed indices with locally measured soil water balance variables, typical patterns of sequences and time delays of the variables under consideration are revealed.. From the given findings, we were able to propose scheme to start observing and evaluating the general drought development at the sites under consideration.

Keywords:drought, drought indicators, meteorogical drought, hydrological drought, water balance, SPI, SSI, NDVI, SVI, SWD

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